So I have a series 3 42mm and have had it for going on 3ish years? Love the watch but it’s not getting updates anymore and I’m stuck on 8.8 so looking to upgrade. I can either buy series 9 new for full price, or a local acquaintance has a series 7 44mm new in box for $175. From my understanding, the main differences are the temperature sensor and better processor for the 9. Is the big price increase worth it for the 9?

  • Ratzzz28B
    1 年前

    I have had AW Series 7 and I just got an AW Series 9. The AW S7 is fine if the battery is OK but the S9 will be supported longer and it is nice to have a new battery. I do not notice the better chip in the S9 and I am a male so the temperature sensor does not affect me - it only is important for females and only measures slight changes in temp.