I just realized something I think Torbjorn is one of the only heros, if the only one who doesn’t have a cinematic of his own, not even one of those short 2d ones, which is odd since Torbjorn has alot of lore and one of the few overwatch characters that actually develops and ideas they could dive into like, they can make Torbjorns cenematic a bastion part two where it focuses on both of them and it’s Torb slowely overcoming his rasism towards omnics, and it can legit give us a flashback to operation whitedome where he almost died if it wasn’t for rein and it can go to more in depth to why he hated omnics,and that he felt responsible, because the omnics used a lot of his creations to cause choaos, there is so much they can do with him
I just feel like This is wasted potential since one of the reasons I main characters in the first place is because I like them in characters, I main Torb since he’s my favorite character in the lore, sure reaper might be more viable but I don’t really like edgy characters so I have no interest to play him, I love the short swedish man god dammit and want to see more of him
Racist? Bastions a robot and from a group of ones that killed innocent people