Using the FP5 with Android 13. Any hidden Settings or stuff that I should need to know about its Android? Should I switch to LineageOS instead? Is there a way for me to have all my Apps on my Homescreen instead of tucked away in that hidden menu if you swipe up? Is there a way to modify what is seen on the button row of the Homescreen? Normally I’d like to have 3 fixed App icons there but there are 5 which I can’t remove and they keep changing. Is there a way to remove the calender widget or search bar in the top of the home screen?

  • @gramoun-kalB
    18 months ago

    Coming from FP3, I found myself with a problem.

    The 5 has a fingerprint reader in the power button. On top of that, it has face recognition. This means that, as soon as I wake up the screen, it unlocks.

    But what if I only want to check the time? I used to wake up the screen to check what time it was. The time was displayed huge on the lock screen. Once unlocked, the time is all tiny in the corner.

    I found this: settings > display > Lock screen > Always show time

    Now, the time shows up anytime I pick up the phone.

    That’s the only tip I needed. Everything works fine and needs no attention. At least to me.

    PS: Someone mentioned it drains the battery. You know what that means, right? Series of rigorous tests in the near future. I’ll be back with some results in a few days.

    • @PhoneAcc2B
      17 months ago

      there is the option to wake the screen with a double tap unfortunately that has the same problem with battery drain so for now i just push the button with the fingernail to check time

      • @gramoun-kalB
        17 months ago

        Why would it drain the battery? The screen would be off until you wake it, right.

        My tests aren’t complete. It’s unclear if the the black and white, always on time display has a noticeable impact on battery so far. Will report with full results soon.

        But if anyone is claiming that it causes “massive battery drain” or other superlative, my data says they’re wrong.

        • @PhoneAcc2B
          17 months ago

          my guess is that it’s poorly tuned and wakes the screen in the pocket. also maybe it changes some energy state to monitor the touch input

  • @DryhteB
    18 months ago

    Unlike u/AllAboutThePotatoes, 5G doesn’t cause me any untoward battery drain, might be something local to them (maybe their 5G coverage isn’t great). However, there’s a bug with ‘always on display’ that causes it to drain a lot of battery. Until it’s fixed, I suggest you don’t use that. (settings > display > Lock screen > Always show time and info => keep this off). There’s nothing else I can think of right now.

  • @AllAboutThePotatoesB
    18 months ago

    I mentioned in a post on my phone that the battery drain was bad. /u/sentientbubble shared this link which led me to disabling 5g. That drastically improved battery drain for me.

    Through the Android settings, I also turned off fast charge and set it to not charge higher than 80% (both things which should prolong battery life).

    To move things from the app menu to the main screen, hold down on the icon on the app menu until you get the chance to move it. Drag it up and over to the screen you want it on.

    • @nilsmoodyOPB
      18 months ago

      I turned off fast charge already, because I typically charge overnight anyway. I will keep the rest in mind if I have some battery drain issues, but I don’t have some right now. Thank you for the recommendations!

      To move things from the app menu to the main screen, hold down on the icon on the app menu until you get the chance to move it. Drag it up and over to the screen you want it on.

      Yeah, I already did that. But I have literally hundreds of apps, I want them all on 2-3 home screens. Isn’t there an easier solution?

  • @a_wandering_vagrantB
    18 months ago

    Having failed at this with the 3 and then having recently upgraded to the 5 myself, I really recommend buying a cheap multipack of screen protectors

      • @a_wandering_vagrantB
        18 months ago

        my 3’s screen was decent but did pick up wear and tear over the years, little scratches and dings from being in my pocket etc

    • @_UnreliableNarrator_B
      18 months ago

      I cracked my screen protector after having the phone for less than a week but given the inevitable state of every single phone I’ve ever owned ever, I think that’s more a “me” issue.