I’ve got three categories up for discussion; who has got a better (1) two year consecutive season peak, (2) overall skill/talent, and (3) overall career/accomplishment so far.

Also, I want to hear your ideas why Lillard was named top 75 while guys like Paul George hasn’t. Atm I aside from being political I don’t see any reason why Lillard deserves top 75 while George doesn’t. Or perhaps Lillard’s leadership quality trumps George elite two-way value. Lillard was also a bit more consistent than PG and has better career statline. Tho PG suffered a great deal of injuries and was toe to toe with lebron before injuries. Kindly illuminate me please. Thanks! Fan of both btw.

  • irelliB
    10 months ago

    PG was never better than Dame was in 2020 and 2022.

    Dude put up 32/7 on 65% TS% last year man. That’s genuinely as good offensively as any peak Steph curry year.

    … And Dame literally beat PG in the playoffs handily in the year PG was top 3 in MVP voting

    Y’all some reactionary mother fuckers lmao. Dame has one bad game and suddenly he’s trash