In your opinion who’s the operator that people misuse him the most? I’ll go first and imma say it is maverick, people use him as a hard breacher, while he’s more of stealthy approach/angle/line of sight maker which makes him special also it is hard to use him because people make holes in walls while they are right behind them which makes them exposed and get shot in most scenarios, that’s why people don’t use him that much, his gun (M4 GS) is a great gun also so easy to control so using the silencer won’t affect the recoil that much, i find him as the most underrated/misused operator.

  • TheKingChambersB
    10 months ago

    I’d say Sens. Most people use them for a quick plant or to create chaos by throwing them straight at defenders like retards. Instead. Use them to cut off feet or headholes made by defenders. Use it for a quick flank watch while you push site. She also has hard breaches so you can cover your back while you fight on your front. Her only counter is really warden so with him being a 3 health and being picked less now, they’re a pretty solid pick. Also her gun is a little jumpy but otherwise a laser.