The cow poop and piss. I understand it’s cultural. But yo, it’s like bombshells keep being dropped on Kimberly. And TJ is like I withheld the truth because I love you.

The mother used a rag that was on the cow poop to wipe a surface clean.

There is a war brewing between Kimberly and the mother.

But with this shit, both figuratively and literally, Kimberly isn’t even having anytime to protect her boundaries. Man.

Kimberly ain’t going to fucking last.

  • StanleyQPrickB
    10 months ago

    Thank goodness for this post. People have been WAY too hard on her! “Do some research…”. What was she supposed to do, google Weird Hindu Cult? Maybe the people saying that could have done their own research into how certain like the garlic issue are not standard practice