Lmao, my little sailboat would like to have a word with you. Maybe it could, too, if I hadn’t plastered it over with enough lacquer to make a latex sub’s dreams come shooting out of their happy hole. The ‘fiberglass-on-top-of-plywood’ construction is an absolute bitch if any moisture makes its way to the plywood.
This is the right answer. It’s an RV on water but it doesn’t disintegrate (working as intended, that) like an RV or fifth wheel.
Lmao, my little sailboat would like to have a word with you. Maybe it could, too, if I hadn’t plastered it over with enough lacquer to make a latex sub’s dreams come shooting out of their happy hole. The ‘fiberglass-on-top-of-plywood’ construction is an absolute bitch if any moisture makes its way to the plywood.
What’s a fifth wheel, in this context?
Large trailer camper that is pulled by a ‘5th wheel’ hitch, like the ones found on semi trucks or heavy duty pickups.
Travel trailer.