I think one of the worst things Diane ever did, that she never got called out for, was using Penny’s story as a plot point in Philbert, just to rip Bojack a new one. I do understand he needed to be called out since he hadn’t really faced any real consequences for it yet, but making it into a plot point in a show that aired publicly was a shitty thing to do. Yes, the circumstances in that story were slightly different, but on the off-chance Penny or her mother happened to see that, it’s her trauma being aired without her permission. That wasn’t Diane’s story to tell and if she really was that angry about it and so determined to go after Bojack, she should have done it differently. I also hated the reporters who pried so hard into Penny’s story without any regard to how it would affect her, but they were already established as shitty people who didn’t care at all. Diane knew better and still did what she did.

I just got so angry about this and had to vent. I get why it happened, but I still hate that it happened and that no one called her out for it once they all learned about what Bojack did. Not that I can think of a way they would all find out it was her that made that plot point in the script, aside from maybe PC or Bojack connecting the dots since they were there for it.

  • LeafyEucalyptusB
    10 months ago

    someone else on here made the point that Diane regulates her mood by using moral outrage, and I think it was a brilliant observation, and relevant in this case as well. a lot of her moralizing is just an attempt to self-soothe; it’s not grounded in introspection and a genuine desire to be a moral force in the world; she projects her own self-hatred as a defense mechanism. her choices are NOT the choices of an emotionally mature person. her Philbert script was vindictive, as was her choice to leak the excerpt of her Bojack book. the people who are baffled by the Diane hate fail to see her hypocrisy I think. good observation on your part.