Hey everyone, my name is Tim, and I’ve worked on 2 businesses so far. I get a lot of questions from younger founders as to how they can validate their business idea better and quicker, and I think this topic needs to better addressed. I’ve been talking to some 15 founders recently, and here are my learnings:
- Kristan from Gymify mentioned that he had severe problems finding communities of people and getting proper responses from them, and he had to close the business.
- A SaaS agency from Singapore mentioned that they problem defining qualitative data to validate a business proposal, that’s why their CAC was cracking.
I am still collecting insights from people who have trouble with validating their business. Please comment below or send me a DM. I’ll keep this post updated with any new piece of insight I can find.
Thank you, everyone, for being part of such a helpful community."
Okay, that’s good. But how would you know when you’re getting good feedback? I think a lot of 1st-time founders have problems here.