So I’ve been trying my hand at top lane recently, mostly to get a better idea at how I can play around the lane as a support/jungle and I’ve just gotta say… splitpusher *suck* to play against. Like, I’ve known this for ages, and I’ve disliked splitpushers for ages, but after REALLY sinking some time into top lane, yeah this shit is awful.

I play league because it is a team based game, I want to engage in the team aespect of it, I want to teamfight. It feels like the second someone decides to play Fiora, Garen, or god forbid SION I am literally not allowed to leave sidelanes because if I do the enemy gets at minimum one turret.

I think the idea of dedicated splitpushers in general is a kinda problematic concept for champion design, especially evident by most DEDICATED splitpushers being AWFUL in high elo (see yorick) while those who can choose between splitting and fighitng still being pretty okay to very strong.

Splitting should be an opportunistic choice made when it is advantageous for you/your team, not a minute zero decision.