LNG vs T1 Pick and Ban analysis by Kangqui translated by me


Friendship ended with Cloudtemplar now Kangqui is my best friend

(Cloudtemplar’s video is way too long for me to translate even though I still love him)

I’m translating T1 vs JDG just had to release this first since it was already almost done

#We are playing League of Legend and Tarzan is playing God

So thankfully as the last seed of LCK T1 was able to win against LNG. It was a 3:0. Like I said before usually games with Tarzan ended up being MAN vs Tarzan. 9 players are playing League of Legend while Tarzan decided which side win.


but like in history of League of Legend when we talk about the central point sometime something else explodes. This series both things happened.

Did Tarzan decide the game? Yes and also No. Did somewhere else also decide the game? Also Yes and also No.

#Game 2

So a brief flashback to LNG vs KT we know that Tarzan’s Jarvan wasn’t great. So why is Jarvan so contested right now? He have insane lane ganking ability, strong engage, and doesn’t fall off lategame. He also can fulfill the ad damage role of the team. But in this game you couldn’t see any of that here.

Jarvan is a really visual champion on the rift. You should see his presence in the game because he is a champion that can do a lot of things. But Jarvan was invisible this game.


Who is good with Jarvan? Oriana. So Oriana is picked away by T1. When BLG picked Jarvan they also always picked Ori with it.


So LNG was like ahh Tarzan was just having a bad day that day it should be fine. Of course going into draft having to consider all this and this player’s form on a specific champion can be really difficult so I understand. So now people are probably wondering whether Tarzan’s form is just not on that day or if he is just really bad at Jarvan. We will find out soon.


So LNG first picked Jarvan and tbh the pick/ban isn’t too bad. Then T1 responded with Ori and Rell. Then Kaisa which we automatically think Gala. Then Azir is picked into Ori. Although data say Ori is good against Azir but Azir/Jarvan would probably still win. I mean Jarvan are really good at catching Ori so…


Anyway Blue’s 1-3 pick and Red’s 1-2 pick are pretty textbook. Nothing weird is happening here. But then T1 picked Aaatrox third.


#Toplaner’s short Career Life

So Zika’s career is short and it is the same case for Bin. I mean Bin have managed to get Rumble but the reason why Top laner’s career are relatively short is because there are just too many champions to learn at top. Also the top meta changes way too often. The things you have to learn are too much. The players that have short career often start as a bruiser player so they only play bruisers. In LOL expanding role is harder than you think.

Being able to play a champion is not just a laning issue but also how to position during team fight.


But anyway after Scout picked Azir T1 realizes Hey this guy only play bruiser so if we pick Aatrox there is nothing he can do. And also they didn’t pick Sej so they couldn’t go sej/Jax(of course Jax was also banned). So because of this Aatrox became a really good pick. Unless they have jax/sej they can’t deal with Aatrox. this was a really sharp pick.

#Second phase of Pick/Ban

So T1 now bans out Kaisa’s friend Naut and Alistar. Rell also doesn’t like Alistar. Then LNG realize T1 lack damage so they banned out Aphelios and Rakan. Then LNG ask hey are you guys going Senna/Tahm? Because Senna/tahm is a common response to Kaisa. This is because Kaisa’s tank support is often countered by Senna/tahm. But if T1 pick Senna/Tahm their dps will go down so LNG is daring them to pick senna/tahm.


Then T1 picked Senna and LNG is like “are they stupid?” and picked Blitz that are good aginst senna/tahm. They are feeling really good right now and then well Zika’s remaining champion is Gwen. It also pairs well with Jarvan AD. Gwen usually dislike champion that can get in her face like Fiora or Olaf but here only Aatrox can get in range so it wasn’t a bad pick. Hahah now we have Gwen how are your tahm going to deal with her?

I think T1 also realize they don’t have enough damage. So Nilah was picked to supplement the damage. Of course picking Nilah reduce the safety of the team. Nilah herself isn’t really a safe champion. Nilah isn’t the best pick here because Nilah isn’t a champion that the other team hates.


To be honest, when we are down to 4-5 picks it is hard to pick picks that are perfect. Sometime you just have to do with you have. Here if they pick Tahm here they just auto lose so they instead took a risk on Nilah. So think of reducing a checkmate to just a check. They avoided death here so it’s not bad pick/ban for them.

#Takeaway Points

  1. Tarzan’s uncertain form

  2. Zika’s limited champion pool

  3. T1 have deep pool that even at 4-5th picks they have stuff to play

#In Game

So here Tarzan plans to clear his jungle and come break mid. But at level 2 his mid exploded. At level 2 Azir used his flash. So it’s Conqueror Azir vs Comet Ori and usually Ori does win early in this matchup. But unsure whether it’s the rune setup or something else Scout flashed at level 2 and because of that the mid gap grew bigger.


Here Tarzan realize his mid laner is in danger so he quickly pull up his chat

“wtf this mid lane”

“now I can’t go mid… it’s joe over for mid”

“wtf I was planning to go at level 3 but now I can’t go. If I go I die too”

So Tarzan went top. And here Zeus thought he pushed the wave in and Oner definitely thought so too. but it wasn’t all the way in so Zeus had to push without bOner but he didn’t have protection so he died. Yeahhh that sometime happens. But anyway the main point is mid lane is over.


The reason why we(LCK) love Azir and what LCK loves is: Lane priority. We hate giving away lane priority. We hate starting the game with a deficit. The reason we picked Azir is for the lane priority but now it’s gone?? Yeah so basically the game is already gone. Many of us after seeing this went and debated whether we should order fried chicken or not. If mid lane is like this the game is over.


Also Azir went Conqueorororor this means he want to stay in the fight and stack those yellow pain stacks. So he is going for a more bruiser style. It’s a build you cannot be behind. But then Ori got her crown. In fact because the game is going so well Ori doesn’t need damage so fuck it we going banshee. Then Blitz is like wtf I can’t hook her. Because of this mid lane explosion all other four member have nothing to do. The game is supposed to start with Azir/Jarvan pressuring the map but because this is shut down Senna/nilah and Aatrox have a great time.


A solo kill even come out on top with a 2 core item spike.


Yeah many people are surprised that the game ended so fast.


One regret is that I wanted to see senna/Nilah synergy but because the game ended at mid so we never saw it.

You know how some predator animals would bring prey with their legs already broken for their children to learn to hunt? The game basically ended like that.

#What kind of Team is LNG?

So we often think LNG as Tarzan + Scout and especially Scout he is insane. Like 70% of the games are won by Scout. Playoff Scout was so good and maybe even a bit better than Ruler. So I thought maybe he gets better in important games? But here he ruined the game singlehandedly.


Then Tarzan self-mute himself and was like wtf why is the blame on me when I am playing normal you know what I am going mid fuck you. So here I get it. Azir went in and realized he wasn’t in range so instead decided to push Ori back. It’s a mistake but still I can see his intention. Then Jarvan came in and it’s like what is your intention with that robot? It’s not going to happen. Yeah, Scout messed up but you didn’t have to mess up together.


But anyway, Jarvan unmuted himself and pulled his chat up:

“I knew we couldn’t win after seeing this Azir level 2”

then bot/top lane is like well here goes my LP.


This is why people keep fighting in soloQ because they don’t know who lost the game. Jarvan know it’s Azir but Azir will question ping Jarvan. But anyway the team is like:

“What a boosted Azir” and moved on.

#Game 2

Because LNG lost Game 1 they picked Blue side again. Instantly there is a concern. Do blue side have to ban Jarvan? Azir ban is okay because it forced Ori ban. Jarvan ban is a bit…

So LNG si thinking “¿We played team fight comp last game let’s do what we like, KT style?” So they picked Jayce and Maokai. And to be honest Tarzan’s form was the best playing Maokai. So yeah fuck meta we ball light cannon/hammer.


And because Aatrox is picked they pick Gwen. And it’s like it’s only 1-3th pick you are already picking Gwen? T1 realize if they pick Aatrox early LNG have no response. This is another LNG’s weakpoint.


So here Sylas came out and he is good against Maokai and it’s not bad against Jayce. It’s actually more doable than you think. So Sylas was able to neutralize Maokai’s engage since he can just do Simon say.


#Second Phase of Pick/Ban

So T1 banned out Gala’s Kaisa. And LNG decides to ban T1’s favorite bot lane strategy: snowball so they banned out Cait. Then Varus came out which is a bit of a surprise. Usually, when Varus come out you don’t want to pick Aphelios into it but because Varus’ is not that good so LNG maybe thought it is still doable. Also, Aphelios can pressure Aatrox so maybe they thought they’re giving Aatrox too much freedom.

To be honest this is a not bad game for Apehlios because all of them are coming in. All Aphelios have to do is grab a random weapon and hit what is in front of him. So to not let Aphelios do whatever he want Ashe came out. But even if Aphel would lose a bit in laning it was still doable for Aphelios.


In reality, Maokai’s jungle was deforested and also Varus/Ashe was too strong so Maokai had nowhere to go. So even if Tarzan is Kanavi diving bot sounds really hard. So they couldn’t do what Kanavi does diving bot. In fact, T1 pinged Maokai doing chickens so they saw it coming. But even though it is a difficult game for Maokai he still did well considering everything.


but anyway here we are at fourth drake. So because T1 have a stronger bot lane it is normal for them to take the first few drakes so the question is whether they can take more. So LNG have been powering up for this drake fight and they came well prepared and they have champions that spikes well at 2nd item so it was doable.

So tbh this was a fight that wouldn’t be surprising if T1 lost.


So aside from Aatrox all members of T1 are scared of Gwen. Especially, the two marksmenwomendarkin hate Gwen. Because Gwen is


Because Gwen can decide when to go immune or not so if she uses her W correctly T1’s backline can’t do anything to her. And Aatrox can go down badly if Aphelios look at him correctly. The mute gaze is powerful but the 4 people 2 bow can’t really do the same to Aphelios. AAtrox have to be careful because if Apehelios or Jayce play correctly he can die really easily.


but the Rell stun into Aaatrox’s Q2 was too beautiful. Basically made Gala look like an idiot. Then Sylas managed to steal… Rakan’s ult? And went Rakan all over the Gwen. Because of this amazing move, the backline of T1 was unlocked.

I think the key moment was when Sylas managed to sneak up to Gwen.


So this was a very important fight for LNG and it is very difficult to match the timings for LNG but nevertheless, they lost the fight. This was a game that wouldn’t be weird if LNG won.


I mean it’s not like they had no chance at the last fight either but because Scout used hammer wrong so… Haha does Tarzan have to un-selfmute himself again?

#Game 3

Anyway LNG realizes they can’t Jarvan so it’s banned then it seems they were scared of Rell. Oh maybe they want to break the game open and Rell provide too much safety. Then T1 banned Maokai and the game is already over. This is why pick/ban is so important and you need to respect it. What is Tarzan going to play now?


LNG then picked Ori because Ori is good. Then T1 responded with Poppy and Azir. Poppy is really good if you have priority and with Azir you can have that mid priority for Poppy. It seems T1 wanted to do something with the Poppy/Azir duo.


Then LNG picked Renetkon and Sejuani. So maybe they thought they gave Aatrox too much freedom so they picked a strong top/jungle duo. But then why don’t they just pick Jax? Maybe they were scared of Poppy? If this is TheShy he would still Jax. I feel like if you are picking Sejuani Jax is the better duo.


Then T1 picked Reneta to prevent LNG to pick tank support. Then what does Reneta hates playing against? Lux and Karma so they banned Cait and then they still have to respect Gala’s Kaisa so it is also banned.


Then Because Reneta are good with Kalista so LNG banned Kalista. Then they remember how good Zeus’ Gnar is so he is also banned. Then LNG picked up Milo/Aphel. Aphel, Milo, Ori are really good together. With Ori’s protection and Milo’s buff Apehlios can be really scarry with that range. So T1 decided to pick something with even longer range: Jayce. The problem is that Jayce is really risky most player won’t pick him because you might explode too. But T1 picked it despite it going against Renetkon/Sejuani.


So here Scout is like hey guy game 1 was just an accident Ori is actually better in this matchup. I can win lane no worry. Then Tarzaned is like I am already deafened. Scout is winning lane hard with a cs advantage then everyone is like wow he isn’t boosted?


Then Tarzaned went 1v1 against bOner. Tarzan froze her ass and get her low and it looks it is doable. Then Poppy is like “nah I would win” and throw a shield and slammed him against the wall(should have been me) and sent Tarzaned back to loser queue.


Ori is pinging Tarzan like crazy

“Hey wtf you said as long I win lane you can carry”.

Ori’s mental state collapsed and decided to at least secure blue. Ori was like I have lane priority but yeah, the planet is dying, the government hates us, the animals are leaving, the aliens aren’t contacting us, WE MIGHT BE ALONE, IT MIGHT JUST BE YOU AND ME, BUT THAT’S OKAY!! BECAUSE DO YOU REALLY NEEED ANYONE ELSE?!?!?


Then he see Poppy running away with blue.

Renetkon is leaving.


I honestly think Sejuani’s mental is gone. It’s like he will do something but I rather him not do it. For example, they dived bot but the wave is really thin and they don’t have Ori with them.


So it is a bit ridiculous that Tarzan can’t play Jarvan. Every team that can’t play Jarvan isn’t doing well right now. But here is the takeaway points


  1. Zika’s inexperience

  2. Tarzan’s uncertain form

  3. Hang something something not sure about him to be honest. Huh his Blitz game wasn’t good? Wtf are you supposed to do to Crown Banshee Ori???


  1. T1’s top lane pool is big but the bot lane’s pool is huge

Usually at 4th-5th pick people run out of stuff to pick but it seem T1 always have something up their sleeve. It is not quite good as the picks in 1-3th picks but it is still not bad. This could be scary for other team. Midlane pool are also solid being able to play both matchups and because he showed Sylas today it might be difficult to pick Maokai into them and to a lesser degree Sejuani.

So Despite being really good in summer Scout and Tarzan is out of this tournament. A bit unfortunate since Scout was really good in the playoff. As for Gala… I didn’t even know he played so yeah.


#Won’t be streaming on T1 vs JDG Because he is going to watch Genshin Impact Concert