I was wondering the best place to shop around for second hand decks from people who are upgrading to OLED decks. I don’t think it’s going to make enough of a difference for me personally to spend the extra. I would rather spend that on games.

Any suggestions from the community?

  • EffectsTVB
    10 months ago

    Don’t use PayPal at all, you can still be scammed with family and friends.

    All It takes is PayPal to side with the buyer which almost happened to me and I take more pre cautions than most…pictures of everything .different angles, video of me putting item in the shipping box, video of me dropping the item off at the post office…back and fourth with PayPal for nearly a month as the buyer stated the box was empty.

    If I didn’t have the evidence I feel like I would have definitely lost.

    Meet up in person, inspect and test the item and pay with a bank transfer