I can’t decide who is more ridiculous out of this couple. Justin is a transphobic dating a trans woman. It is obvious he is repulsed by her. Nikki not only looks ridikkulous but is not right in the head for dating a transphobic guy and then thinks it somehow socially acceptable to meet his friends and immediately start complaining to them that Justin won’t eat her out. Kudos to the friend standing at the bar listening to all this without barfing into her drink.

  • SophietophyB
    10 months ago

    I don’t find Justin that cringe tbh. There were some comments that he made (eg. comparing her to a pornstar) that were uncalled for but for the most part, he’s been patient and respectful to her. At the end of the day, Nikki is a lot and not in a good way. She’s uncouth, crude, lacks emotional intelligence and maturity, demands sex and then when she gets sex, she finds ways to complain about said sex. What she went through growing up and into her adult years was tragic and no one deserves to feel that alone and desperate. But somewhere along the way, she adopted this “I’m loud and I’m proud and I’m not going to change for anyone” attitude and honestly, it sucks. No one wants to be in a relationship with someone who has 0 self awareness