Hello, someone wants to pay me equity to build a web application for them as well as mobile apps. They say 10 percent.

Does that seem reasonable?

It’s just he and I, so I’m unsure. I’ve been doing Web Development at a Fortune 500 company for about 3 years now. I’m comfortable across all levels of the stack. I have built my own applications. Only a few with its own UI but I’m comfortable there as I have the meta front end developer courses underneath my belt.

I’m sure I’m proficient based on my job opportunities. Keep in mind that these are applications and not static sites.

  • momsSpaghettiIsReadyB
    10 months ago

    If they’ve got no product or revenue, then it should be an equal split with equal dilution.

    Ideas are a dime a dozen. The real work is getting a product to market

  • TomFromOpenScreensITB
    10 months ago

    You aren’t mentioning what else the startup has or will be contributed by the founders.

    If it’s only you putting the work and there’s no other contribution, and you get 10% equity, someone is stealing 90% equity from you, you would just work on your own and have 100% equity.

    So focus on what the other founder already has or what they are willing to put, is it money? an idea? exactly how much money? How advanced is the idea, do they have any documents? specifications? market research?

    Quantify both sides of the offer then compare them, if your work for 6 months is worth 1/9 of a half assed idea written on a napkin and maybe 100$ of investment but without any actual commital, then you probably need to reevaluate your self worth.

    Maybe it’s actually a very advanced idea with loads of documents and research and specifications and previous work done, and maybe he has a fund upwards of ten thousand dollars. Get all of those facts precisely, then and only then will you be able to calculate and commit to equity and time contracts.

    As it stands, as someone said, 10% is nothing of nothing.

    If someone just point blank offered you 10% of equity in exchange for nothing, then I wouldn’t even consider doing business with that person, no renegotiating, just flat out refusal.

  • AnxiousAdzB
    10 months ago

    I did this early in my career and it’s pointless. Execution is everything. You don’t need equity in a bunch of dead projects.

  • 36in36B
    10 months ago

    I took all cash for a project as the first tech hire. In hindsight, the cash I received was worth far less than a tenth of one percent had I taken equity. Not all projects suck. Telling the difference, very difficult.

    • JohnDoughZeroOPB
      10 months ago

      I think it’s a good idea, I don’t think 10% is too bad but I want something fair. And I just can’t wrap my head around him getting 90%. When it’s just us 2, as far as making the product goes all he has to do is answer my questions.