I like chaos so imma drop this here. I know goty is a superficial award and doesn’t mean anything. But still I need to see where the community weighs in this topic. And I like internet arguments

Elden ring stomped last year’s competition. Bg3 will stomp this one

But IMAGINE… In a perfect world… where both of these dropped in the same year. Both of these are masterpieces of the highest quality so I wonder what the discussion would have been if they competed against each other.

Before you comment I have few request:

  • please be civil. Otherwise I will buy 10 copies of mw3
  • please only choose one of these two. Not “I like both”
  • please do argue (not being rude ofc) cause it’s fun
  • kiss the homies good-night

So at last, which one do you think would take the cake ?