Are there other, similar designer/builders, or does Steve Deckert’s shop exist in a vacuum?

I have pleasantly been listening through Decware amplification and speaker design for over a decade. The value at the time was fantastic.

These days, there is a two year waitlist from date of order, and the cost has increased with notoriety and success. Business is booming. All things being equal, Decware is not something that I would consider today for those reasons alone, and that would be my loss.

My question is, are there currently any affordable and readily-available, efficient analog circuits like Steve’s that fill in the niche that Decware inadvertently left behind in 2020?

  • mourning_wood_againB
    11 months ago

    Its crazy that Steve sold a point to point wired SET amp for $899 up until like 2020. He made money on his other products.