I’ve been saving for 3+ months for the Steamdeck, a present for myself for getting sober. I’ve basically saved every dime I would have spent on alcohol and put it in the Steam fund.

I gotta admit I’m a bit bummed, that as I’m reaching that goal – a new version, with many improvements is being released. Yeah it’s nice that I’ll save a bit of money as they’ve price dropped the LCDs, but I’m still afraid I’m gonna feel bummed getting what is basically an outdated version. I haven’t spent this much money on a single item for myself, that wasn’t a necessity, in a long long time. So it’s kinda bugging me.

Am I wrong in feeling this way? It’s hard seeing that just another $150 more will get me double the size, a bigger battery, and a better more efficient screen. But $150 isn’t a small sum in my life, and I’ve been dying to play my games again. It’s been over 6 months since I had to sell my PC to keep from being homeless, so I’m dying to play games again. I need something to occupy my mind when bored now more than ever. Luckily I couldn’t sell off my Steam library, so at least all my games will be waiting for me.

Thanks for any input here.