Hi, my iPhone 15 Pro Max was stolen last weekend in Cleveland, OH, USA, and despite erasing the phone info, etc, I can still track it on FindMy and it appears the phone is on the other side of town with it apparently being inside of a car. With the fact I can still track the iPhone, prove it’s mine and can still see where it is, should I aleast try and call the police to try and get it back before going through all the other AppleCare hassle? I will note it is on a very bad side of the city, so I wouldn’t go over there unless I had police with me. I paid it off in-full too.

  • sleepy_scorpiB
    10 months ago

    It wouldn’t hurt to inform police, see if they can do anything if you must. For your own safety though I’d reach out to Apple to get resolved. I have family who have landed in the hospital over trying to get their phone back after it was stolen. Details arent necessary here - but you should ise caution because even if you go get w police they have access to your info & you don’t know what crazy things people could do . It is not worth it, thats what Apple is there for. If you have photos or messages that are completely dire/necessary to retrieve and you haven’t backed up recently - file a report w police but if you can manage elsewise Apple is there for things like this.