I don’t know what it is but ever since creamsicle day I just feel like whenever I am out and about with Bucs gear on I am getting so many more positive comments about the team. I’ve worn an orange Bucco Bruce hat for years, and it’s such standard gear around town no one even thinks about it. But this year I get some kind of team shout out every few days if I am wearing this hat or one of my shirts. The only time I have felt more Bucs love from strangers was in those weeks pre-super bowl. Just now I came from Publix where some guy complimented my hat and told me how much fun his son and he had at the game Sunday. This weekend a neighbor I never met hailed me down to talk about the team because I was wearing a shirt. Its been this way for the last month at least.

I don’t know if it’s the creamsicle vibe, transplants who are getting into the team and looking to bond or what. Here we tend to let a month of losses really bug us, but a lot of people out there are loving the Bucs right now. Its great! Is anyone else experiencing this? Or am I just especially good looking this season? :)

  • slashVictorWardB
    10 months ago

    I rock a TB Rays and a sherbet Bucs creamsicle hat every day in Lisbon PT. No one understands but I know…and that’s what matters :)

    • FunkyokraOPB
      10 months ago

      I saw a thread today about where would you go if you split the US and my first thought was “Can I get Bucs games in Portugal?”.