So, I’ve been wanting a new fully mechanical tank for a long time, so I decided to come up with a concept for one. I’m not great at hero balancing, so I’d like constructive criticism on this. I’m not looking for “wow this sucks”, but if you’re gonna say “that’s broken/weak/great” I’d appreciate it very much if you could explain why it is. Thanks.

The focus of this hero is to be a big boss Tank with little self sustain in exchange for big damage.

The hero is an AI operated machine. It has no conscience or sentience like Omnics were given, and was made specifically for war. It’s got four legs in a spider-like position with the body on top having two massive arms with different guns on each. Think of it like Orisa’s legs spread like Wrecking Ball, and the top half like Nemesis Ramattra but guns. The bottom half also rotates independently from the top, so you can have those legs spinning with the top not moving.

The hero is named Tyrant, a little taller than Rein and about as wide as Nemesis Ramattra. It has 550 Health and 200 Armor. It’s passive ability, Wake of Destruction, increases ult charge rate while On Fire or Blazing. This is because the ult costs 3840 points. It’ll hopefully make sense when I get to it.

Primary fire uses the right arm gun, Plasma Helix Cannon, which fires out like Orisa’s, except it has six barrels, each bullet deals 10 damage with a tight spiral spread, runs through 180 ammo in roughly 6.6 seconds with a 2.7s reload. It deals 1.2x damage on headshot and, at 15m, has damage fall off to a maximum drop of 4 damage. It’s all projectile, traveling roughly around the speed of Orisa’s shots if not a bit slower, and lowers Tyrant’s movement speed by 30% for up to 1s after firing.

Secondary fire uses the left arm gun, Plasma Shrapnel Cannon, which fires like two shotguns in one gun, one at a time. It has its own ammo resource and fires out 16 pellets, 7 damage each and firing at 1 shot every 0.6s. the cone is somewhat wide, so it’s best used against large targets within a 5m range at most. It’s reload takes 1.5s and has a maximum ammo of 160, each pellet also being projectiles traveling rather quickly. Tyrant’s movement speed will be down 15% each time he fires until a 1s period of no shots passes. If he is firing his primary, the total speed reduction is 40%.

Ability 1, Barrier Shell, has Tyrant coat himself in an electromagnetic barrier across his body, reducing the damage taken by anything that can’t go through barriers by 45% for 3 seconds and has a 12s cooldown. It does also lower his movement speed by 30% and give him a 4 second 30% increase to incoming healing once the ability ends. If he is firing either of his guns, the speed drops by 40%, 50% if he’s firing both.

Ability 2, Emergency Reposition, has Tyrant fire a grapple from his waist and drag himself to a desired location. He can go straight or from the side, either one being the same aside from angle. While sliding, his feet will be releasing sparks on the ground and change position to better indicate if he’s coming straight on, or sliding in from a side curve. This ability lasts just barely 2 seconds and maintains some momentum for half a second after it finishes. During this ability, Tyrant cannot jump or cancel it. He will crash upon hitting a wall or other solid vertical surface, dealing no damage to him or others but cancelling the ability and all its momentum. It has an 8s cooldown and a maximum grapple range of 10m.

Emergency Reposition only works horizontally, so he cannot go up high or drop below with it directly. However, given the physics of the game, if he were to use the momentum at the end, he could slide off a ledge or up certain ramps like other heroes. Not too well with the ramps, but possible.

His Quick Melee is unique, he will use his Plasma Shrapnel Cannon to strike with a chainsaw-like attachment when the cannon is not in use. This chainsaw can be held down for 1.4s, dealing up to 70 damage, but leaves him unable to use the cannon for 0.6s as the saw cools down. If the cannon is in use, he’ll instead use his Plasma Helix Cannon for a regular quick melee. He cannot melee if both cannons are in use until their speed reduction has concluded.

Finally, his Ultimate, Full Weapons Arsenal. He shift to 3rd person view, will root himself to where he stands, opening up and transforming parts of his body and arms to reveal a full arsenal of weapons. He will gain an additional 150 armor in this state, 35% reduced healing received, and will take 1.4s to complete after rooting. He will then start firing missiles into the air and firing both cannons on either side along with the chainsaw on one and a flamethrower on the other, all while gradually rotating. During this, the missiles will be flying around around in a sort of dome and exploding on contact with a surface or enemy. He will continue this for between 4 to 5 seconds before returning to normal and having the remaining missiles drop randomly. The flamethrower has a maximum range of 8m with a cone spread, maximum size of 1.2m at the end of the cone. The fire blasted out will ignite and deal 28 damage per second. Each of the 20 missiles fired deal 12 damage and fly out up to 10m. Once Tyrant finishes firing, he will return to normal after a 1 second transformation, but will have no ammo, all abilities on cooldown, and for 5 seconds will have a gradually decreasing 60% movement speed reduction.

With that all said, I really hope the idea was clear on how I wanted this hero to be a boss battle without an easy way to keep yourself alive. Long reloads, long cooldowns, high power, big body. And I do want to finish off and say, in case it wasn’t noticable, it’s possible to survive his ult by staying in front of or behind him while he’s ulting and keeping up with his rotation. If it’s not too open an area, most of his missiles will have likely been wasted anyway. Plus they can be stopped with anything that interacts with projectiles like barriers and matrix.

Anyway, with all that said, please do share with me your criticisms on Tyrant. I’ll do my best to keep myself from getting defensive and trying to justify all my mistakes, as I need to learn how to take criticism better. Thanks~

  • TopNotchGearB
    10 months ago

    The problem with a hero having no conscience is that there’s no personality and character behind them. I don’t know anything about ability creation but the ult looks like it’ll create a lot of visual clutter. Better off having up to two things that he does great at than 5 things that he does okay at.

    • drbiohazmatOPB
      10 months ago

      You have very good points. I didn’t consider the character’s… Well… Character. I also realize now that the ability would be a hideous mess to look at lol. I’ve gotten a bit of feedback on other platforms too, so I’ll definitely be using the criticism I get to try and improve this idea more. Maybe more grounded in reality lol