###link to reddiquette overview

#Why is it important?

  • We are a pretty small sub, and while we do have a few mods here, we only oversee what happens here.
  • reddit itself has actual mods, as in they oversee everything.
  • If you break an actual reddit rule, you get banned banned. account suspended, buh-bye. No there’s nothing we here can do about it.

If you follow someone from one sub to another for harassment purposes, and post pretty inflammatory stuff, and reddit sees it, your account is banned. No warning, no appeal, no remorse. It has nothing to do with us here, it’s an official action taken that we have no part (or say) in.

Also important: if your account is banned, don’t be a dingus and create a new account that is almost identical to the banned account, and expect to say ha-ha I’m back. It will probably also be banned (yes they look for that)

You’d have to be a real squidward to think that would work (sorry small joke)