My account was suspended for two weeks for the following:

"fkn idiot", “sit”, “idiot”, “most cringe moira”, “u dont deserve to win”, “loser”, “get diffed”
“ungroomed”, “1inch hairs”, “with poop residue, of course.”,
“run these fuggs down”, “why the fuck did we follow the sombra lol”
“junk y ru still pushing u idiot”, “junkrat is an absolute bot”, “shoulder peak idiot”, “so did solider u fkn moron”, “rekt nerds”, “supp diff”

Okay, I understand some of this isn’t the nicest, but saying, “sit” is a bannable offense? To me most of this is natural pickup basketball trash talk. The most fun games to me are when a little rivalry starts and both teams are going at it, it makes the game mean a little more. I understand gaming has changed from what it was 10-20 years ago, but man, I feel like you can’t say anything anymore. Are we this soft or am I just an ass?

I get that calling people idiots isn’t a good thing at all, but the most frustrating part is that this came from two ranked games I remember distinctly. Both games I had players on my team intentionally throwing, so naturally I got a bit aggravated.

For reference, I received my first comm ban a few weeks ago that lasted a week. I’m a Beta Day 1 player.

Also, the “with poop residue of course” line is because my name has something to do with booty and someone asked if I like eating booty and I said that. That is like the most mild form of banter how am I banned from that?