Clearly, the optimal anatomical compensatory feature to counteract the imbalance of bouncing boobs … would be the addition of a nimble and articulating tail.
At the rate reality is going, I would not actually be surprised if it turns out Elon, or some other billionaire or clandestine group, has been secretly funding some genetic horror show experiment to attempt to create literal cat girls.
EDIT: On that note… I actually once met a kind of… inverse, half elf.
Allow me to explain.
So, this woman I met… her ‘antitragus’ on her right ear… basically, she described it to me as having a recurring abnormal, but non cancerous growth of that part of her ear, such that it grew out to a kind of elf like point, aimed basically rearward and upward. About an inch long.
But… a typical fictional elf has an extended, pointy… entire ear, mostly the ‘helix’ is what is most transformed.
She said she’d had it operated on once, a decade ago, but … it just grew back… but also it wasn’t cancerous, that it was either a very odd benign tumor, or a novel/extremely rare genetic anomaly.
Said her doctors assured her it wasn’t dangerous… but also could not really figure out what actually caused it.
So uh, yeah: Inverse half elf, I don’t know a better shorthand to describe it.
Dayum evolution is surely interesting. Tbf I have never expected to see a comment about an evolutionary side effect in an animeme post about boobies. ^^
I remember a girl owning the runner’s endurance test. Being one of the last people running. But man, that boob bounce made every guy look in awe, and every girl look in pain. They asked her if it was painful, she straight up said she didn’t notice any pain. She had D cups lol.
I suppose it might be attributed to connective tissue and composition as well. And perhaps, mental fortitude too. She wasn’t the type to back down.
A very well and properly fit sports bra could also have helped significantly with making the boobs bounce in a more constrained and less painful way… though I wasn’t there and am just positing this.
Also, the adrenaline flowing during an endurance run could also lessen percieved pain generally.
FLAT BOOBIE GANG RISE UP! Imagine having a jiggly debuff component on your body, which slows you down while running and adds back pain towards you.
Clearly, the optimal anatomical compensatory feature to counteract the imbalance of bouncing boobs … would be the addition of a nimble and articulating tail.
Well said! Evolution pls bring back monke tail. RETURN TO MONKE
At the rate reality is going, I would not actually be surprised if it turns out Elon, or some other billionaire or clandestine group, has been secretly funding some genetic horror show experiment to attempt to create literal cat girls.
EDIT: On that note… I actually once met a kind of… inverse, half elf.
Allow me to explain.
So, this woman I met… her ‘antitragus’ on her right ear… basically, she described it to me as having a recurring abnormal, but non cancerous growth of that part of her ear, such that it grew out to a kind of elf like point, aimed basically rearward and upward. About an inch long.
But… a typical fictional elf has an extended, pointy… entire ear, mostly the ‘helix’ is what is most transformed.
She said she’d had it operated on once, a decade ago, but … it just grew back… but also it wasn’t cancerous, that it was either a very odd benign tumor, or a novel/extremely rare genetic anomaly.
Said her doctors assured her it wasn’t dangerous… but also could not really figure out what actually caused it.
So uh, yeah: Inverse half elf, I don’t know a better shorthand to describe it.
Dayum evolution is surely interesting. Tbf I have never expected to see a comment about an evolutionary side effect in an animeme post about boobies. ^^
Antihelix? How could anybody not support helices?
I remember a girl owning the runner’s endurance test. Being one of the last people running. But man, that boob bounce made every guy look in awe, and every girl look in pain. They asked her if it was painful, she straight up said she didn’t notice any pain. She had D cups lol.
I suppose it might be attributed to connective tissue and composition as well. And perhaps, mental fortitude too. She wasn’t the type to back down.
A very well and properly fit sports bra could also have helped significantly with making the boobs bounce in a more constrained and less painful way… though I wasn’t there and am just positing this.
Also, the adrenaline flowing during an endurance run could also lessen percieved pain generally.
Might be sore later that day or the next day.
Either way, respect to the girl.
Absolutely! No shade whatsoever, I’m just autistic and infodumping in meme/shitpost communities is apparently one of hobbies/fixations lol.
Same same. xD
Sticking to real boobs physics. I once read a paper on the thermodynamics of breasts. Something about athletes and their sportswear.