Both female and male Israeli soldiers raped Palestinian women from Gaza and the occupied West Bank – and Israeli citizens were allowed to watch and film the humiliation of stripped prisoners as a ‘zoo’-like form of entertainment – according to testimonies presented during the UN Commission of Inquiry’s public hearing on earlier this month.
Kifaya Khraim, International Advocacy Officer at the Women’s Centre for Legal Aid and Counseling, and ‘Witness 3’, a Palestinian woman human rights activist, gave the UN detailed accounts of sexual, reproductive, and other forms of gender-based violence committed by Israeli security forces and settlers. The testimony was part of the Commission’s third round of hearings documenting violations against Palestinians, particularly crimes targeting women’s bodies:
Israel has claimed that Israeli women have suffered sexual violence at the hands of Palestinians on 7 October 2023 and since, but these claims have been shown to be either without foundation or proven untrue, both by independent examination of evidence and by United Nations investigators. As the saying goes, it seems that Israeli accusations are a form of confession, exposing the dark mind of settler-colonialism, Zionism and occupation.
While I’m not saying this is false, this website looks incredibly unreliable
I’m begging people to stop judging the information by how “reliable” a site looks. Look at the sources.
On that same note, also stop treating sites as “reliable” in and of themselves, look at their sources too. You’ll stop falling for so much of the “he says she says” bullshit that US media peddles.
I mean if a site looks like it was made by a single person, chances are you are going to get a heavily biased take
??? All media has a biased take, not even machines are free of bias. If you don’t recognize that NBC/CNN/NYT/WaPo is even more biased than any independent author you’re not paying any attention to the content, just the editorialized language of fake neutrality designed to fool people who care more about the appearance of factuality than factuality itself.
All correct opinions are heavily biased.
I dont know about this case, but if you want to learn more about how the average israeli doesnt see palestinians as humans, you can search for “right to rape protests israel”.
If you dont wanna look, the TLDR is that polls show the majority of Israelis think raping palestinians shouldnt be a crime.
Israel and its population are like a modern day Nazi Germany. Probably even more homogeneous in their genocidal beliefs than Germanys population was under Hitler.
Jfc that’s so fucked up. Every time I think they can’t get worse I’m proven so so so wrong
There is a great documentary called Israelism on youtube that shows the perspective of how the average US born jewish person is made to learn about Israel and eventually Palestine. It does a good job at showing whats going on in these peoples heads.
The site is pretty crowded but they link the UN video in the article which is the source for the claims in the article.
Mirror for the UN video in the article
It’s a single person project.