Hey, I’m currently looking for someone interested in teaming up and working on something together. If you already have an idea DM me or we can brainstorm ideas together to try find something profitable. I’m mostly interested in SaaS but open to anything.

My usual tech stack involves: Database: PostgreSQL Backend/Microservices: Golang Frontend: NextJS

To get things up quicker though I’ve recently been using NextJS API routes instead of golang for the API as it isn’t always necessary.

  • Known_Impression1356B
    10 months ago

    I’d be down to explore ideas & build something…

    My background is primarily in biz dev. I’ve worked at early stage, growth & pre-IPO companies, and spent a year working nights and weekends on my last startup. More recently I’ve been a scout and operator in residence for a few VC firms.

    My proposal would be that we add maybe one other collaborator to the mix and then try to spin something up in a weekend, hackathon-style. With focus, that’s enough time to make meaningful progress on validating and invalidating ideas and potentially push a prototype or landing page at least. It also allows us to figure out how to work together under a little pressure, which usually helps strengthen relationships faster.

    If you’re interested, shoot me a DM.