Whenever MPJ hits his first shot I’m like oh thank god
Whenever MPJ hits his first shot I’m like oh thank god
Notice how the Nuggets fans wholeheartedly welcome back previous players they won a championship with…. unlike going total hate mode like Seahawks fans with Russell Wilson. I know they were different circumstances but that was over the line.
We gotta win 16 in a row to match the Chiefs.
FTC, works for the clippers and the chiefs
Sometimes I’m amazed how some millionaires, who play basketball for a living and practice pretty much every day, can be so consistently bad at shooting free throws.
Apparently, Ibotta spent all their money on nuggets jerseys, and nothing on video production quality
😂 why the fuck would taking your helmet off be a 15 yard penalty?
I’ve long desired to see the Lions go to and win a Super Bowl so that generations of fans can finally experience that moment. I know how important that first win really is and the emotions I felt back in '97 and just wishing my Dad was there to see it.
And then, after watching Bye Bye Barry last night (the most electrifying RB in history imo) those feelings were multiplied ten fold.
How cool would it be to watch the Broncos beat the Browns and head over to Ball Arena for the Nuggets game and then wrap it all up with an Uber ride to Shotgun Willies.
Loving the play calls
Dude, WTF? I’m not sold on Russell Wilson, either, and he’s obviously being carried by the defense, although he’s playing much better than last year. But if the Broncos were to somehow win the Super Bowl with Russel as quarterback, then his being here was meant to be and it’s like the butterfly effect. Don’t change a thing, because if you did the same result most likely would not have happened.
I completely agree with most of what you said, but not everything. Wilson has been throwing that exact same TD pass into the end zone in Seattle his entire career. I think there was a bit more than just pure luck on that one.
Welp. Let’s see what our $250M dollar QB can do… TBD 🥸
I’m confused. 😜 Is 6 points out of 4 turnovers good?
Just reinforces how average we’d instantly be without Jokic
If I never ever saw another Super Hero Movie again, that would be;
🤪 I feel unreasonably proud of myself for opening the Prime App first to watch TNF, as opposed to like usual, going to Fubo, looking all over , thinking —WTF— and then, oh ya.
I’ve seen this misspelled, so many damn times, I started wondering whether it was spelled differently in other countries lol
Notice how the Nuggets fans wholeheartedly welcome back previous players they won a championship with…. unlike going total hate mode like Seahawks fans with Russell Wilson. I know they were different circumstances but that was over the line.