Playing the world’s smallest violin in lieu of the admin listing of my least favorite lemmy instance. I probably didn’t have anything to do with it, but lying smearing dipshits have a way of garnering hostility towards themselves. Party time!

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 21st, 2023

  • Michael Jackson is a good example of how being rich and successful can lead to behavior that just feeds into mental sickness. He probably thought being rich and successful justified his aberrant behavior and that he shouldn’t put himself on the level of those below him, until he eventually ended choosing drug abuse over therapy. His whole obsession with children can be traced back to his insecurities that he had been deprived of a childhood, probably in no small part due to growing up as as part of the Jackson musical group family. He must have thought he could relive with his childhood through someone else’s by using his wealth and power to create Neverland Ranch.

  • To fight disinformation, you first have to know what disinformation is, and the people being activists don’t really care about how much of a hypocrite they are acting as or on what vague presumptions they are or aren’t acting on. My suggestion, do what Cambridge Analytica did and has continued to exist under Emerdata and competitors, but make the data collected and the inferred relations visible to all so that people can see their surrounding and other people’s surroundings and get a notion of how and why they might be getting affected by them. Instead, we have people arguing that keeping functionality already visible to admins, and easily subject to manipulation, but hidden to the rest of the users, like upvotes and downvotes, should be kept hidden in social networks supposedly intended to be more transparent. Not even going to bring up some of the people leading those networks. I have little hope.

  • Grimdark? That’s not the way I remember it.

    They moved away with procedural generation when they worked on the creation kit first released with Morrowind, which has gotten a lot of use since then: Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 4. So, uhm, I don’t think it had gone that bad for BGS just because it’s latest release is a flawed update of the engine.

    Daggerfall is a fun slog where everything is pseudo procedurally generated and the boredom aspect comes when you become aware of the general repetitiveness of the engine, but it is very grindable because it is essentially all radiant quests and because it has very dynamic systems - which also work out to very exploitable systems to easily reach godlike power with little effort. Because you don’t have to listen to exposition and can just go nuts on the gameplay, it’s very replayable. Unfortunately, they seem to want to go back to the Daggerfall procedural generation system without really having the engine, which was designed to move away from that, configured for it, and it’s going to be much harder.

  • Honestly, wouldn’t be surprised, it goes hand in hand with my experience and other’s experience with them. If Ruud isn’t in on it, he sure is an expert about keeping quiet about it and leaving it to those responsible. But do take pictures and specially web.archives, which can’t really be faked, and just keep the link to it saved somewhere.

    Little else that can be done about it, I tried to get the instance he made false allegations in involved because he had apparently linked to CP and CSAM content as proof, but the SFW “No porn” instance he made the accusations in (yes, he used another alt to potentially put another competing instance in trouble) didn’t even seem to care about all the NSFW links that were potential links to pedophilia themselves, so I would say the degree of impassiveness is pervasive, hypocritically so, which is odd for a social network alternative that tries to sell itself as an alternative to the abuses in other social networks. Took evidence, reported the claims of CP and CSAM to the appropriate authorities, saved the ticket numbers, and moved on. Maybe there is something one could do, since it’s clear who it is and libel, abuse of authority, and making false allegations do seem like things that would be prosecuted, but the cost of going the legal route would probably be a lot more than any compensation or consequence they could get as a result.