When do we find out who plays who and when?
When do we find out who plays who and when?
Pelicans when healthy bench is Trey Murphy, Jordan Hawkins, Jose Alvarado, Dyson Daniels, and Nance
The guys need to learn how to fucking stop collapses vs teams like Charlotte and Orlando.
Let them deal during the regular season.
Zeller is just a discount JV. Nance provided a different type of defensive versatility.
But none of them are especially good defensively. If the Pels could get an actual plus defensive C, it would be amazing.
The defense with Herb, Dyson, and a rim protector. Oof. Pels would be pitching shutouts every game.
Chance Pels have two mid firsts this year.
They can defer the pick to next year but it’s a swing that basically relies on a LeBron or AD injury to pay off meaningfully.
Though Id be fine trading it/them for a defensive switchable Big.
If you could put Dyson, Herb, and a plus defensive C, you could put BI and Zion out there and still have one of the best defenses in the NBA
Trading for Brogdon? That’s a rip off.
Trading away Brogdon? That’s a rip off.
Trading for IT? That’s a rip off
Trading away IT? That’s a rip off.
Pels aren’t in a rebuild. They are in a contention window. The only way they trade Zion is if he asks out and some other star like Embiid also asks out. Pels aren’t taking garbage contracts and firsts when the Pels already have too deep a roster and too many upcoming firsts to fit
That team was good enough. Rondo and Melli were nothing to sneeze at either.
Why do I care how much anyone makes? They are all equal between the lines
Death lineup:
SG: Hawkins
PF: Trey
C: Zion
Shit, he’s fpund us out
Where would the Pelicans be right now without Jordan Hawkins and Matt fucking Ryan?
The fact that he’s a rookie actually getting meaningful PT to start the season is a good sign in and of itself.
Trey and Dyson certainly weren’t given this much run this quickly.
the medical term is a crappendectomy
Way more to get WCJ
Yes, definitely trade the picks. Nearly 30% of the minutes played last year were by rookies or sophomores. The rotation is pretty deep already so adding more youngsters to a deep, young rotation makes no sense.
No way Pels win 36 without Zion or BI making an all NBA
How do I short the Lakers’ chances?
The thing you find “disgusting” about this situation is not that Giddy very possibly fucked a child and will feel no repercussion?
Of course he’s innocent until proven guilty and should be given the benefit of the doubt.
“Doubt” begins to creep back in when he refuses to comment about it and the girl (who was underage) and her family are not cooperating with the investigation. That a literal pedophilia scandal is going to be hand waved away is problematic. One could say disgusting even.