I actually bought one of these a while ago. I left it behind when I moved house, honestly wishing I had bothered to pick it up when I left. I personally would be very careful about using one. It’s not bad at doing what it’s designed for, that is accessing files over a network. You can install a few apps on it and it even has docker support without needing modifications even on the ARM varient I had. The USB speeds where quite bad though that’s mainly because I had a weak arm model. The real issue with it is security. Mine had some servies port forwarded to the internet so I could remote login via ssh and web gui to do stuff. This was a designed feature as they even gave you a way to access it without ddns. They didn’t do enough to secure it and it had lots of vulnerabilities that led to mine getting ransomwared using a remote vulnerability. If you never port forward to it it should be okay, but if you have any intention of doing that then it isn’t secure enough at all. That is what made me leave it behind and move back to a PC for my home server setup.
Would there be any point given the lack of DDR5?