• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 28th, 2023

  • Thank you!

    In a morbid sense of great timing, my burnout happened just a month before demand for our Discord server completely went away (due to most clients at that time coming from the crypto space which then crashed resulting in less projects being started)

    Design is something I’ve being doing since I was 11. I incorporated design into every business I had giving me a chance to not just learn how to make pretty stuff, but actually make great designs that solve a problem for me and many of my clients.

    My idea is to try to work with as few clients as I can, charge a premium, but delivering the best quality as I always have.

    Also, the system is set up so clients can add as many requests as they want, but they’re put in a queue based on importance they decide for each new request. Communication is clear that average delivery time for a request is 24-48h, but some requests, like web designs, can take up to two weeks or even more (depending on complexity), and some requests, like text changes (if requested during work time) can be done much quicker.

    Let me know if this all makes sense haha

  • I completely get your view on ADHD terms being thrown out there a lot, especially in todays day and age where everyone has problem focusing.

    If it makes my point any more valid, getting diagnosis where I’m from, especially if you’re an adult is extremely hard, but my ADHD was so obvious that the journey wasn’t as painful.

    Now that I’m on meds there probably isn’t a need to run my business any different then everyone else, but before meds my business and I suffered through a lot because of inability to complete and finish tasks.

    I know ADHD is hard to understand, but first imagine it as 100 thoughts at max volume apear in your head every minute. You start doing task a but remember there are tasks b,c and e which are also important then oh that’s a nice car, I should reply to my friend, who’s arguing outside, where are my keys… Task A is long gone.

    Focusing on a task is like holding your hand above a stove. If it’s at 1, you can hold it for a long time. Sure it can be a bit uncomfortable and if you do it for too long it will be painful. Now imagine that stove is at 10, how long would you be able to hold your hand above it before moving it? And what about next time? Your brain will tell protect you by increasing the uncomfortable feeling so you move it away quicker.

  • You’re right, there are a bunch of them.

    When I started my Discord development business I was actually one of the first people to be doing it. Of course, as the market proved itself there was a bunch of people doing the same thing. How I separated myself later on is I charged premium, focused on quality client and delivering the best work. You could buy a Discord server from a guy selling it for 10$ or from me selling it for 395$. People who wanted quality and great buyer experience have literally joined a 2-4 weeks waitlist instead of going to other seller, even of similar price.

    That’s what I’m aiming for now. I preferred working with premium clients, since they were much better communicators, they were invested and it was a win-win situation overall.

    As they say, you can make 1000$ by selling 100 pieces of 10$ product or just 1 at 1000$.

  • I definitely noticed phrased my sentences wrong 😅 I didn’t mean to say this is some kind of a new idea in general, but rather a new idea to my dad.

    What I made sure to say is “Hey, you can request unlimited designs, but put them in a queue based on importance and we’ll do them 1by1 with x hours average delivery time”. I’m aiming for quality and not quantity, but that doesn’t mean we can reuse designs and styles that we created to make up for quantity when it’s needed. The goal is to make designs that actually gets results.

    Whilst average delivery time is, let’s say 24-48h, if a client requests a website design and marks that as the most important it will take longer. In practice, client can always say hey I know I’ve request a web design, but can you pause that today and design x.

    Of course, if I a business needs more than that I could definitely come up with an offer, staff up and charge accordingly.

  • I completely agree that it’s not just about the idea but the quality of the service. And I completely agree most young people these days jump right into the pit of “wantapreneurs”.

    In my case, I bring much more than just design to the table. I’ve ran successful marketing campaigns, built communities, and, since I don’t want to go to school and become a doctor, I definitely used my Mensa-level IQ to learn a bunch of things and always will.

    Aesthetic alone don’t make a design effective, but it sure can help if you know what you’re doing.I’m not here to just ‘pretty up’ businesses, but I’m here to help them stand out from the rest, and convey their messages the best.

    Doesn’t mean that they’ll look most aesthetically pleasing, it means that they’ll get designs that will attract their target audience and customers.

    Again, I very much understand the concerns about design-by-the-ton and the prevalence of wantrepreneurs, I still believe in the value of design when done right. It’s about solving problems, not just making things look nice.I know this, now you know it, but what would be the best way to communicate this to potential clients?