Do all missions before you buy anything like blueprints.
If you find something you like doing, keep doing it. I love ship hunting. It’s an addictive loop.
I do not have access to it anymore. Purged my game collection to pay bills. Right now I have ps+ fir the year as a Christmas gift.
Yup. We all float down here!
I tried so hard but I cannot get into it.
Amazing choice
10/10 a hill I will happily die on. I have played it through several times and have clocked over 400 hours with 300 of those being on one save. I have it at the tippy top of my game list forever. It never gets boring. It’s harder to find something else to play instead.
Getting down to brass tax! Enpasant ftw!
Ya’ll still exist out in the wild?
Black ops 2 was the true goat
Sad I had to scroll this far down for this. Such innovative games.
We all fall, tennis. It’s the strength of space mommy that keeps us going.
I used to play that religiously on the ps3.
No second son? That game was so good. Only if you were evil…
Goat move.
I can honestly say I’m shocked. Only game to top that is monster in my pocket
Yeah. Ya did good.