We have all agreed this is terrible and disgusting, but I am also confused on the price. 4K for 14 days which includes room and flight? I feel like he is losing money on this too.
We have all agreed this is terrible and disgusting, but I am also confused on the price. 4K for 14 days which includes room and flight? I feel like he is losing money on this too.
I couldnt get through the video with the bad sound balance of the terrible clips cut in.
We in America lack actual reliable public transportation, so it is basically required to learn to drive in 99% of the country.
If she is on a K1 visa, she also can not work for at least 6 months. She has to wait until she has a green card, which is usually 3-6 months after they get married. So she can not help provide.
I have never been grateful for cancer taking away my ability to breed…but maybe its for the best with those genes.
Does this show stream and where? Asking for myself.
How much do you pay the women who you are promising their sexual acts of? Because I feel like promising their bodies without actually giving them income is exploitative and wrong