Sometimes I make video games

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023


  • Well, I’m not a psychologist, so I suppose my interpretation might not be correct - the irony mounts.

    But from the graphs you shared, it looks to me like the only people who underestimated themselves were the top performers. And from what I know firsthand with imposter syndrome, a competent person underestimates themselves.

    I used hyperbole for effect, so I don’t think that if you believe you have zero competence in something because you actually have zero competence means that you’re secretly good at something. If you know nothing about plumbing, don’t try to install a toilet.

    But if you’re working in the software factory then you don’t actually have zero competence, you probably have formal education and some experience. Having that feeling that you might not be good enough is a sign that you’re on the right track.

  • I’ll take a crack at this one. For what it’s worth, I think the first couple are just loanwords from another language which sometimes gets used incorrectly, and the last three are uncommon words in conversation. Know your audience.

    “This isn’t a meeting about the budget per se

    “This isn’t exactly a meeting about the budget”

    “The victim met their demise vis a vis poodle attack”

    “The victim met their demise by way of poodle attack.”

    “Steve’s a real erudite.”

    “Steve’s a real reader.”

    “Tom and Jerry is a fun cartoon because of the juxtaposition of the relationship between cat and mouse.”

    “Tom and Jerry is a fun cartoon because of the oppositeness of the relationship between cat and mouse”

    “I don’t understand, can you elucidate on that?”

    “I don’t understand, can you explain?”

  • I felt like that early in my career. I used to think that being a rockstar developer was a good thing, and I’d be happy to describe myself as one.

    The thing is, a lot of rockstars are really just churning out heaps of unmaintainable code. They think they have a high degree of proficiency, they’re confident in their competence, but there’s a disconnect between what they think and what they produce.

    It can be a sign of personal improvement to question yourself when you think you’re doing great. We owe it to ourselves to ask ourselves critically if we can be doing better. Because if we don’t, and we just assume we’re awesome, then we’ll happily churn out sub-awesome cruft.

    The insidious thing is that self-criticism leads to self-doubt, and imposter syndrome can be quite paralyzing. But if you learn to control your criticism instead of allowing your criticism to control you, you can achieve higher heights than rockstardom.

  • Based on what I know of Imposter Syndrome and the Dunning-Kruger effect, it seems you’re at your most competent when you feel like you’re at your least.

    So if you’re feeling badly because you feel like you don’t know enough to do your job, take some time to remind yourself that other people who appear to be confident have no idea what they’re doing.

    It’s fake-it-till-you-make-it all the way down.

  • My great grandmother grew up rough during the depression and lived near enough you could fish for lobster.

    Her family would bury the lobster shells instead of putting them in the trash because they were ashamed the trash collectors might see they were eating sea bugs.

    She still definitely enjoyed lobster. When it was in season it was tradition to have a family reunion for lobster dinner, and she boiled a mean sea bug. But she never could fathom even going to a restaurant to order a lobster - and that some people thought it was fancy would make her head explode

  • The other comments explains it in pretty good detail, but when I was learning my teacher explained it sort of like a mnemonic.

    1 + 1 = 2 is read “one plus one equals two”

    1 + 1 == 2 is read “one plus one is equal to two”

    1 + 1 === 2 is read “one plus one is really equal to two”

    And you hit the nail on the head, is that === is type explicit while == is implicit.