Yeah, apparently having a Mustache in Viltrumite culture for males is considered to be a sign of power and more intimidating.
Although, Mark having one would look weird. I know he grows a beard way later on, but he doesn’t keep it.
Yeah, apparently having a Mustache in Viltrumite culture for males is considered to be a sign of power and more intimidating.
Although, Mark having one would look weird. I know he grows a beard way later on, but he doesn’t keep it.
Yeah. The OG suit is iconic for a reason, and it does look good.
However, this suit is more unique and honestly simple enough. Instead of 3-4 colors, it’s just a two-tone look, and it works. One of my favorite designs in superhero media.
I actually love the Blue suit. It’s one of my favorite designs I’ve seen in Superhero media, but I get that not everyone will like it.
However, I doubt the show will leave it out, because the Title card is slowly being broken, building up to him getting that suit, most likely by the final episode of S2. If I recall, Art gave a reason as to why it was changed.
He apparently didn’t really like the OG suit, and since Oliver had his costume, he thought that if Mark kept his OG suit, the colors would clash. So he had it changed to Black and Blue to look better alongside Kid Omni Man.
Mark did seem unsure about the design at first, but didn’t have time to dwell on it because they needed to do some Super-Hero’ing.
Plus, some of his worst and darkest moments happened to him while he wore the Black and Blue suit. But also got some great character development.
Seems most of the sweats moved to QP. Me and my friends rarely find games that’s on par with our skill. I play the game casually as well, so it’s pretty dumb to get rolled over every single match, but it doesn’t bother me much.
Back when OW1 came out all those years ago, it used to be Genji. (Yes, I was still into my heavy Anime Nerd phase back then)
Then it was Bastion. But they took my self-heal away in OW2.
Now, it’s mostly Hanzo. For Tank, it’s Rein, for Healer, it’s LW.
The fact that Eve can basically make anything she wants, but doesn’t really use that to her advantage during her time as a hero, says to me that she’s holding back.
Stands there, not using their kit right.
Look, I know that not everyone can know everything there is to a hero, and that’s fine. Maybe you’re a rookie, maybe it’s been a while, I can understand that.
But if you STAND there, not using DM, or your boosters, and just shoot, hoping you’ll get a kill, then I’m sorry, but maybe D.Va isn’t for you.
I fucking hope so.
Mark and Eve HAVE to be together. Mark is also going to realize that dating a regular person who really doesn’t understand the struggles he has to face, won’t work out long term.
Okay, fine, I can see that Amber in the show is ACTUALLY trying to understand where he’s coming from and how much more important Super Hero’ing is, compared to everything else. It’s a step in the right direction, but sooner or later, Mark, or Amber, will have to come to terms with the fact that they cannot have a meaningful relationship when the other is away for days, weeks, even MONTHS at a time.
Once Mark realizes that Eve is the one for him, then I will be much happier.
Amber does seem fine in S2, but something tells me they’ll still go the route of having Mark be with Eve.
“Shoot to heal if you’re playing as Lucio.”
I love that they’re bringing in other well-known actors to voice some characters.
Who knows, maybe we’ll get Alfred Molina or something, I dunno who he’d voice, but it would probably be someone menacing and intimidating.