This drive will say a lot about this young offense, let’s goooo
This drive will say a lot about this young offense, let’s goooo
Really hope these fans who went just to see Taylor are ready to cheer when the guys in green and gold do good things, and not that one guy in red that she’s ultimately there for 😒
Hey first opposing viewpoint! Thanks for sharing, I can see that side of things.
Just watch MVS decide to go off this game 😒
Yeah playoffs all bets are off, too much at stake on every single play!
Not quite feeling as secure as I did every time Rodgers would drop back for a pass, but these last couple weeks have really shown Love is settling in and can hopefully continue to be trusted to make great decisions every time he drops back. He’s definitely meeting the moment, hope that continues
Hell just another year of experience for everybody alone will likely win you half of those games
Y’all I’m just as psyched after today as everybody else, but let’s not be too crazy yet about J Love. Let’s see him in some playoff games and over the rest of this season before we crown too fast; never forget Mitch Tribisky was the second coming of Christ after he had one game with 6 TDs and made a pro bowl, now look at him. So pumped after tonight, but let’s not set our expectations too high yet with a bit more left to prove first.