Or the fact that Cyber trucks rarely make it more than a few hundred miles (if that) before they shut themselves off. Also, if you are ever in an accident and it loses power, it may very well lock you in the vehicle while it burns you to death.
Motorcross Enthusiast
West Virginia University (CFB and CBB)
Tennessee Titans and Nashville Predators
Elder Scrolls Online (Xbox NA)
Rocket League
Helldivers 2
Or the fact that Cyber trucks rarely make it more than a few hundred miles (if that) before they shut themselves off. Also, if you are ever in an accident and it loses power, it may very well lock you in the vehicle while it burns you to death.
I love my Nothing 2. I was a 1+ fan boy until the 8 Pro and the switch to Color OS, and I can’t say enough good stuff about it. It runs well, it’s pretty light Android skin. I don’t use the glyphs, but it’s just a really solid phone. Battery on it is great, I don’t do much with pictures. I will definitely be sticking with this brand moving forward if trajectory remains similar.