• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Broilers aren’t kept in cages generally, but if you don’t keep layers in cages then it’s a lot more labor to collect the eggs and make sure they don’t just eat them or break them. So the lowest quality eggs will come from chickens that live in cages stacked several rows high, with an incline in the bottom of each cage, so that when they lay the egg will roll onto a sort of conveyer belt that moves the eggs over to be packaged.

    Source: my rural ass high school had ag classes and we went to some of these places. I guess it’s possible this has changed in the past 20ish years, but from what I know it hasn’t changed that much. If you didn’t grow up down wind of some of these places, consider yourself lucky.

  • I often have nightmares (yay PTSD!), the last bad one I had was about a week ago. It was about my sister being scared and me not being able to get in contact with her or help her. My husband woke me up 3 different times from that one because I’d keep yelling in my sleep, which happens at least a couple of times a month and sometimes a few times a week.

    I’ve been in therapy and am on meds, there’s just not a magic bullet unfortunately.

  • Assuming you’re in the US since you mention cost. I know therapy can be really hard to access, especially if you don’t have good insurance and/or aren’t close to an urban area. Your city or county may have mental health services like low cost therapy, or be able to give you referrals for it.

    You do seem like you want to talk about it, I’m assuming anyway since you made this post. A good therapist that you vibe with is going to be someone you want to talk to just as much (if not more) than anyone on this post, and they’ll be able to bring up perspectives on your thoughts you hadn’t considered before.

    You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to obviously, and if you live in a place with really terrible mental health services there’s not really anything you can do about that. But if the feelings you’re describing in your OP are something that’s upsetting you that you want to change, I’d encourage you to do what you can to try to access therapy.