𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚗 𝙼𝚎𝚘𝚠

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023

  • I actually think this form factor makes more sense than a two-fold. With two-folds you get this weird not-quite-square aspect ratio, but this gives you something much closer to a very typical 16:9. Perfect for watching movies or streaming games.

    I do want a proper android device though, which Huawei can’t provide anymore unfortunately. But I hope other manufacturers try their hand at this form factor. Still, massive props to Huawei on the design and engineering feat, it’s genuinely the first phone I’ve seen in years that made me reconsider what I want in a phone.

    And no, obviously a tri-fold isn’t necessary, but neither are smartphones in general. Took me years to decide to purchase one and I was fine without one (started with a year-old Samsung S7, for reference).

  • Team coordination is now being hostile to employees?

    Who do you prefer, someone who:

    • Thinks critically about his assignments
    • Communicates concerns with his coworkers
    • Can intelligently express his reasoning
    • Is open to being wrong
    • Helps improve a product

    Or someone who:

    • Thinks critically about his assignments
    • Creates alternative designs that they feel are better
    • Builds those designs despite this not being instructed
    • Creates beautiful software, which ends up incompatible with the other software it needs to work with because they didn’t consider various requirements from other stakeholders
    • Causes delays and frustration because their stuff, nice as it is, isn’t to spec and needs to be rebuilt

    You can be a brilliant developer and a terrible employee at the same time. If you want to design software as you like it, you should be in the design sessions. And not ignore the hard work those people already did and throw it out without discussion.

    Anti-authoritarianism is a bad trait. Critical thinking and standing up for your ideas is not. I frequently question design decisions I have not made myself, because A) there could be something that was overlooked or B) I’m overlooking something and I don’t have a full picture of the scope. Either should be resolved by a quick chat with the designers, not by me ignoring instructions and doing whatever I feel like is best.

    Part of being a good developer is also accepting that you might be wrong and your ideas might be bad. That doesn’t mix well with anti-authoritarianism.

  • It is if you’re the one trying to coordinate multiple product teams and one of them doesn’t build to spec, introduces different behavior in edge cases or declares something to be “not their responsibility”. Anti-authoritarianism is a bad trait to combine with “being wrong”.

    Someone who wasn’t present during the design meetings, stakeholder calls, planning sessions etc… can absolutely still have very good input regarding decisions that were made. But they should raise those concerns with whoever made the final designs and discuss them, not decide on their own to deviate from the given instructions. They may not see the full picture and cause a ton of delays that way.