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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • The 2005 game. I had paid full price for the game and enjoyed it for a while. Then they released the expansion pack BF2:SF. The players who owned that expansion pack had access to more powerful weapons which they could use online against players who didn’t have that pack. Essentially turning a paid game into a “pay to win” format. I since then haven’t given EA a penny.

  • I’ve stopped buying EA games when they turned Battlefield 2 into a pay-to-win game back in the mid-2000’s. But I remember distinctly how bad EA was with those stupid unskippable splash screens. My guess is that they’ve never improved, from what I can see. What’s the point of those anyway, other than annoy your players and make them hate your company?

  • That was some seriously cringe slogan.

    But how was this ever enough to justify voting for the guy who has no morality, cheats and bullshits his way through everything, selects his entourage based on loyalty over competence, divides the country through purposefully polarizing statements and filed for bankruptcies 6 times, 5 of which were casinos? And that was what we knew before he was elected.

    That’s just showing how superficial a lot of the voter base really is.