Whatever it’s cool Kissinger died
Whatever it’s cool Kissinger died
So has Magic Johnson
My BF and I got together pretty recently, it’s been only 15 days after knowing each other for 2 months and a half. When we first started talking all he did was talk about Devin Booker who is a player for the Sun’s basketball team and also about Drake. We would listen to Drake’s songs for three hours straight. I thought I could be okay with his interest in both of them. Since everyone has their own interest in things. But recently I’ve noticed that he can’t go five minutes without mentioning Devin Booker. For example, we’re eating ice cream and out of nowhere he asks me “do you think Devin Booker likes chocolate ice cream.” Or we’re on the phone and we’ve gotten quiet for a bit then he hits me with “Do you think Devin Booker is asleep right now?” I just laugh it off and say I have no idea. But all I’m thinking about inside is how can you switch that interest you have in them to me or at least talk more about yourself. I’m stump on how to even bring it up to him. I’m able to play a bit more of my songs in the car when we go out without him commenting on them on complaining that he needs more Drake in the car. The thing is I have fun and enjoy our time together when he isn’t talking about them. He’s a really sweet guy and I just want to ask him if he can tone it down a bit without sounding rude.
Yeah Nurk is alright he’s as advertised he’s got problems on defense but he offsets them with solutions on offense and his aggression on the boards is like dunking my head in cold water after years of watching Ayton watch the paint
He’s gonna be so good if he stays healthy. I get the hype
And they call it Salt Lake City
This is crazy
My wife said she would watch more basketball if the courts were pretty like that so take that for what it’s worth
The greatest game ever made in my opinion. An absolute behemoth of a game. There’s nothing like it. It’s my second most played game on steam
Nurk really is exactly as advertised for better and worse lol
Go to FanDuel put a 5 dollar bet down on the NBA pick em and get 150 if your team wins thing and they’ll email you 3 free months of league pass within a day if you’re able to do that. Doesn’t matter if your bet actually wins or not. I’m not a gambler but it was totally worth it
This thing looks so dumb lol
Let’s cancel your mom
Any team any night maybe not the Bobcats
That’s a 10/10 photo I love that
2.6% is literally not significant lol