Coding boot camp is such a waste. YouTube is better for that lol
Coding boot camp is such a waste. YouTube is better for that lol
Yeah great ideas. Nowadays probably more phone based ads like tiktok and social media though, but I hear what you’re saying
Idk, maybe I’ll just go for it and if it goes nowhere then so be it
Thank you this helps a lot. So really it would boil down to fundraising which likely won’t reach much of a goal at all
Also maybe expanding to other disabilities
You have crazy definitions of disability. You really need to educate yourself on not only disabilities in general, but what the ADA classified as a protected disability. The fact that you’re here claiming it’s not, on its own, it’s against the protected rights of disabled persons and can land you in trouble. This isn’t the subreddit to even be debating about disabilities or not, it’s a subreddit about services for agoraphobics.
Your “disabilities” aren’t recognized by the ADA, nor SDDI so - nice try. GAD, maybe SDDI, if it kept you from substantial gainful employment - but still not ADA recognized
Anxiety, phobia, panic attacks (agoraphobia is in all that as well), is recognized under the ADA.
You coming here challenging whether it’s a disability or not and basing your answer on that is petty, rude, and not even what this subreddit is for. Grow up and stop being a bully.
And how can you ignore the ADA anyways?
I’ll cite it again;
by JM Casey · Cited by 17 — Under Title I of the ADA, a phobia or anxi- ety disorder (except those disorders specifically excluded by the Act) is a disability
It’s a disability 🤷♂️
You also have to be disabled for more than a year, with proof, before they’ll even let you apply. Or have proof it’ll last longer than a year.
by JM Casey · Cited by 17 — Under Title I of the ADA, a phobia or anxi- ety disorder (except those disorders specifically excluded by the Act) is a disability
You still have a chance to delete your comment.
Really, then explain why it’s recognized as a disability especially under federal disability laws?
People who suffer from agoraphobia may be eligible for SSDI benefits if their condition interferes with their ability to work. Sufferers are evaluated in the same way as individuals who suffer from panic attacks
Dang living the life of the 1% and you feel this way? If that’s the case, sign me up lol
Awesome 😎
I mean, sounds like a plan to me! Lol. If I had the opportunity I would go for it myself 😎
I’d also have a savings plan for any slow/dead months, even years - you just never know what will happen!
I’ll share my personal opinion on the matter :) take it with a grain of salt tho if you’d like :) no hard feelings
It sounds like you’re making some kinda traction on your business there. 40k isn’t something to laugh at, especially just a side gig. I would highly recommend looking into things like tax breaks though, and get yourself a separate account for just business and then just transfer to your personal what you’ll pay yourself. This way you will know exactly what came and went to the business for tax time, otherwise you’ll spend forever combing through bank records to figure out what was personal and what was business. Even better, get a corporation or LLC, use a business name too, get a business account, run payroll to pay yourself, etc etc - and really go full force if you think it’s gonna take off. Even if it doesn’t, those things help for tax time. The big benefit to this is audits. They love to audit self employed people more than anyone else… When you pay yourself from your corporation, it goes down dramatically for both you and your business to be audited. You also get to write off more and not have to be so diligent on tracking things. It’s really just “did it benefit the business? Okay, write off”. Where self employment is proving it did… (How many minutes on your phone bill was actually business?). If you make enough, you can also get yourself some medical coverage that is deductible on the corporation. The biggest benefit is separation too, so you can really get the picture as to how this business goes for you. It’ll be easier to prove as employment (just provide your paystubs), and more. I’m always up to chat about these things if you’re interested in it more. I’m a board member for 4 corporations, and a president of 1 (about to open 2 more depending on business)
Past all of that, it really just goes from answering to a boss/manager, to a client. This can go haywire in a lot of ways… You basically have to be the customer service person + the business representative + the business owner + the accountant (unless you hire someone) + even more hats. It can get messy legally, financially, even personally. But it’s all about getting down to business (pun intended) and laying out the plans, ideas, goals, and backup plans :) just as a quick overview!
Anyways as I said, always open to offer advice if you’d like!
Good luck :)
You could setup a corporation and if the funds permit, get fringe benefits of health insurance - which is tax deductible on the business
I got rid of their gateway a long time ago and just plugged my router directly into the Ethernet cable from the ONT
Should be an Ethernet cable… At least that’s what mine uses. Might be able to run an Ethernet cable from the ONT into where your router is, if they didn’t use the Ethernet cable. if it’s missing the Ethernet port, maybe a new ONT box too? That’s at least my setup…
I wish I had this problem haha. Good luck 😁
Sounds to me like it’s just part of the course to get you “introduced” to things you may venture into and using it as a tool to play with for you to get familiar with things
I feel like you could’ve achieved the same results just having an employee or commission based employee :/ but yeah time will tell lol
I feel like you could’ve achieved the same results just having an employee or commission based employee :/ but yeah time will tell lol
I recommend looking into some kinda commission and hiring people like cold callers / sales representatives and just paying a percentage based on a sale actually being sold :)
I recommend looking into some kinda commission and hiring people like cold callers / sales representatives and just paying a percentage based on a sale actually being sold :)
Lol that purely came from coding boot camp? 💀