On his peak… Its not an item, its an effect but still.
One of the most if not THE MOST broken thing in all LOL.
There was a point where that effect was everywhere, on every match.
There where like 5 optionsto choose, but never saw them while this effects was at his peak.
Later, the blue one took more effect, but was because they nerfed devourer.
Dont even bother then…
The correct play would have been to just leave it standing there for Lucian to collect.
I told my Lucian to come farm middle lane… and, you can see how he didnt came mid. I used the ultimate because i knew that in 30 sec i have it again, which is… when i reached the middle lane.
Yes, because he had to lane without a support…
Again, assuming is dumb. We both died in a fair fight during the same combat. Later deaths of Lucian, are him alone in the lane, not waiting me for comming back from base.
Your finished build (with a voidstaff for completion) costs 13100g to complete.
Ur joking, i was lacking 2.5k to complete my build in the end.
Support does not lack income.
It does lack income, specially when ur adc goes afk farming. For me the rest of the game went wonderfull, but i still lack gold compared to an afk farmer.
Im not gonna bother talk about lucian gameplay, because it does not affect the lack of income on my side. He can be good, or bad… i still lack gold even when MY game went awesome.
played a carry yourself on a role that is not supposed to be a carry role
A what ?? what ur talking about. Ashe and MF are supp, they where also played on the worlds. So stfu, because you can do a lot with any pick. Its skill based, and i didnt lack skill in that match. I was third behind both feeded player… 3rd!
Look, if you want income, play ADC.
No, i play supp, not adc.
Recent game, i went MF again, an ally ban my pick because he thinks like you.
I picked Ashe, because is the same, but the counterpart. Less effective than MF on my hands.
And you can check that again… my adc went horribly wrong again. BUT, this time, i sold my item supp at min 20, because Trist couldnt recover. Guess what? even when trist went afk farming, because she has, again… 100cs above me… i got the income, the power on items, to keep pushing and recover from that trist.
No, because Reddit LOL isnt managed by Riot itself.
If you’re gonna tax the waves
Im gonna get a video just for you… assuming is dumb. Ask first.
Akali was so focused on kills that she opened mid, mid got punished up to the nexus, and the only one defending… yeah, the supp.
We got Baron, and our inib was destroyed just by minions again… i went back and get 2 waves only on the Nexus… teammates didnt came back.
I kept pushing mid (because there are no more objectives to fight, and baron is good for pushing)… My TM went… drake?? why? idk… 3rd wave down anyways.
4th Wave was fighting against, Who couldve have thought !!! THE ENEMY SUPP DEFENDING !!! Then proceeds to leave the area, and i pushed to the tower getting 60% all by myself and baron…
Seconds later i got killed by Jhin.
My teammates? didnt reach mid to farm… to push… and they went, scouting drake because who knows why… We just got baron, and the only one pushing with the effect was me.
This wasnt the only time that happend, but is the most clear one.
Thanks. It was and is a hard challenge when u deal with flammers all over the place.