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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 20th, 2023

  • It’s probably the same amount as before. More phones and tablets haven’t had a big effect on the amount of general purpose computers. There’s devices today like raspberry pi and Arduino that fill the same niche as older general-purpose computers.

    Your assume things are different and must be worse. This is a take old as time. Socrates complained about the youth no longer taking the studies as serious as his generation did. The world would have fallen into complete chaos if it were ever true. It’s the conservative myth that things were better and can only get worse.

    These kids accessing websites that tell you that a general purpose computer is needed, would have to rely on textbooks and magazines to get the same information in the past. A much bigger barrier, even identifying which ones you need.

  • It will be similar to a big pulley.

    The weight will pull the turbine, the turbine will require a torque to generate current. This torque will act as an upwards force against gravity. This force will slow the fall of the weight significantly. The turbine ‘consuming’ the torque allows the weight to fall.

    The higher the power output the faster it will fall. This will be adjustable. No power out = stationery. A small amount of power out, the descent speed will be tiny. A faster fall a higher power output.

    This won’t be designed to fall at full speed. It’ll be designed for a long slow descent. The theoretical power will likely be much higher. It will be limited by the turbine and wiring capacity that’s rated at 2MW.

    If your calculations are correct it will be able to generate $1.50 a second. It will also consume power that is below market price/free/paid to consume when it ‘charges’. It also provides the utility of stabilising the electrical grid against renewables. Increasing the capability of the grid to support more cheap renewable energy, without the lead time of nuclear or the pollution of biofuel.

  • Software engineering does have standards and methods to developing software. These standards and methods are applied in Defence and Aerospace applications. Software engineering was developed or conceived by NATO to manage the increasing complexity of software development.

    The big problem is people often confuse software development or programming with software engineering. Calling anyone that programs a software engineer. This isn’t the case. It’s entirely possible to be a software engineer without knowing how to code (but impractical).

  • All the AI does is match the request to solutions it was trained in.

    It just stackoverflow in your ide. It has a little more flexibility in answering and isn’t as corrupted by SEO result when googling the equivalent answer. Its not informed and thinking.

    The optimisation problems you are talking about is the process that is used to make AI models in the first place. I think you want an AI to configure optimisation routines for you rather than build the test cases and variables yourself. Or you want some system that implement all the individual components better, but an AI that can optimise the entire thing isn’t coming about soon. It would need to trained on very similar software. In which case you should just use that better software.

  • This is a solved issue. Use a bit set to have the different heads you need to fit on one driver. You can get ones that store the bits inside the driver.

    Any telescopic mechanism is going to have a hollow centre and be weaker and prone to deforming. Larger hex keys are used to deliver more torque, making them hollows defeats the purpose of having a larger key, and small bolt and hex key should have been used to save weight and cost (or the same size to standardised the tooling).

  • ForgotAboutDre@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlBig Food lies to you
    9 months ago

    Genetically modified generally refers to direct modifications to genes done in a lab. As opposed to selective breeding.

    Organic often refers to the use of fertiliser and pesticides. So produce that is grown with compost rather than synthetic fertiliser and synthetic pesticides.

    It’s completely feasible to produce organic watermelons and solely consume organic watermelons. It only refers to how the fruit was grown. Not the variety.

    There are GMOs that are created in a lab. Commercial varieties breed mainly for shelf life and volume. Then there is heirloom variety’s, older varieties generally breed prior to over commercialisation of farming that has made food more bland and bigger. All of these can be grown organically.

    In fact it’s very easy for the only watermelon you eat to be organic. Especially if you grow them yourself, as many gardeners use organic methods exclusively.

  • They want a smaller and weaker state. One of Reagan’s guys said he wanted the government so small you could crush it in the palm of your hand. This is the end goal of neoliberals. They are now far more extreme than Thatcher and Regan ever were. We don’t see it because it’s been a steady boil and both Labour and Conservatives are fully paid up neoliberals.

    In part this is happening because you can’t do what Thatcher did. Once you’ve sold a part of the state you can’t sell it again. So politicians are inevitably going to sell more of the state to recreate Thatchers economy. It’s completely unsustainable, eventually there will be nothing to sell. When there’s nothing to sell and the state is reliant on private companies for service provisions there will be no room to manoeuvre. The government will be at the mercy of private businesses and continually extorted.

    This is bad for democracy. A strong state means each persons vote matters. The vote influences the state and the state imposed the will of the people. A weak state means your vote doesn’t matter. The state can’t impose it’s will, it will be at the mercy of the private business that provides state services. They will continually demand more power taking it away from the state. The state will exist to collect taxes and transfer it to private businesses for services. With minimum investment back into the state.

    We already see the minimum investment back into the state. The government can not put down a set of rail tracks that span the entire nation. The conservatives have ensured HS2 can’t be complete because they already sold the land they acquired. So much infrastructure spending done by the EU is no more, hope we don’t need a new bridge any time soon.

    The SNP are not quite so neoliberal (especially since Alex Salmond left). They’ve been trying to invest in more green energy generation in Scotland, however, national grid rules mean generators in Scotland are paid less because of too much capacity in Scotland (despite the grid being capable of distributing this power). This makes further development unfeasible. This would be okay if the rest of the UK was running at the same pace of green energy infrastructure investment but they aren’t. So Scotland will have a little too much energy in the future, but the rest of the UK will have too little. This will require massive wealth transfer from the tax payer to business to get more energy production fast and at extortionate prices. It a system designed to cripple future planning and preparation.

    Neoliberalism is freedom for the wealthy shareholders to operate how they want. It’s not freedom for the average person. It’s crippled the government they can’t build anything and can’t stop businesses for pouring shit and poison in the rivers.

    I don’t think free markets are a bad thing. They are an efficient method for an economy to be self organising. But it shouldn’t be worshipped. It’s is deeply flawed and prone to exploiting people. To preserve personal liberty there needs to be strong regulation and strong state involvement in natural monopolies. The Tories oppose both these things, that’s why they’re pushing councils to sell of assets, it’s idelogical.

  • You do need a messenger app. Google wants you believe you don’t but you do.

    It’s baked into Google messages and Samsung messages (Samsung messages is just rebranded Google messages). It pre installed and defaulted if the person you tried to text can receive it.

    Google RCS goes through the internet, not carrier networks. Most likely Google jibe service. Which you carrier may have Google implement for them, if not it will default to Google’s own jibe service.