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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • As a noobie to Linux I have a question: I decided to try ubuntu (haven’t yet) because of what I think is called the Gnome Desktop Environment, which from what I understand is what gives it all of those sleek animations and tab switcher and stuff. Am I correct about this? Or do all distros have this? I care a lot about aesthetics and stuff like that—the main reason I’m interested in Linux, other than learning about something new, is the idea of being able to fully customize the look and feel

  • America has some of the most fun, interesting, intermingled culture you’ll see. That’s not to say bad things don’t happen,or that you shouldn’t try to fix those things—but there will always be something that you can choose to live your life by as an excuse to be hateful. If you’re obsessed with always being mad about something, you’ll always be mad about something, and if you’re obsessed with looking at all the negatives and ignoring the positives you’ll never be happy

  • I think it’s definitely true that Americans get defensive when you criticize the US. I also think it’s true that a huge reason for that, is because the only thing the internet seems to enjoy doing at the moment is complain about the US—no one likes to hear their country that they’re living happily in trashed on constantly.

    And I say that as someone who deeply enjoys complaining about the US