This call is proof that this sub has no fuckng idea about anything reffing related.
You get the “obvious overturn” and the “wtf are the refs doing” amongst the “close call” reactions. Nobody knows shit
This call is proof that this sub has no fuckng idea about anything reffing related.
You get the “obvious overturn” and the “wtf are the refs doing” amongst the “close call” reactions. Nobody knows shit
I just tuned if, are the Bucks shit?
Make up call lmao
nah dude is clearly sliding (left foot in particular)
They’re gonna lose this challenge aren’t they?
In the regular season?
Isn’t it the other way around and Donaghy didnt call anyone else that much?
Does foster also talks over the phone to others refs a lot? Genuine question (Note that Im asking about Foster, not Donaghy)
Minors? Why is the line at 18? An 18 yo fucking a 17 yo is rape no matter what? What about a 17yo fucking another 17yo? Is it double rape because neither can give consent?
And CP shat the bed in these games, like he does any time theres actual winning on the line?
Bro imagine being a Clippers fan and shitting on a tanking team for losing
Bro that one play where Sochan and Wemby were 2on1 against a small defender on a fast break… And Sochan just threw that shit up like he doesn’t know what a pass is. At least Wemby got the foul call but it should have been an easy bucket
I know and? He clearly deserved that ejection so what’s all the fuss?
it miiiiight be because y’all are making shit up in your heads?
Does one step forward really count as “following him” ?
you guys are so fucking biased it’s insane
He walked one step forward after Kerr turned around and then just stopped
This shit is crazy
And this post is also blowing things out of proportion
Jokic is so damn good
Are we defending well?