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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Glide@lemmy.catoMemes@lemmy.mlDear Android users
    8 days ago

    Fucking real, though. The cultural group responsible for checks notes “shaming people who have the wrong bubble color in texts”?, suddenly think they’re the one’s being unjustly preached to? The joke in this image is not the one OP thought they were making.

  • Glide@lemmy.catoMemes@lemmy.mlRacismed
    8 months ago

    The problem is there’s a massive divide between racism and the colloquial racism. One is a discussion of how beliefs and systems disadvantage people based on the status of their birth. The other is being mean to people because of the color of their skin.

    Sure, both are “bad”. But suggesting that they’re the same thing or have similiar impact is laughable.

    The “racism” Elon is on about doesn’t exist, because people born into every potential benefit being unable to reap those benefits because we’re doing our best to change the system aren’t disadvantaged. But when you’ve been told your whole life that you deserve to win, you’re inclined to cry “cheat!” every time the system is changed to be more fair.

  • I’ve been saying for a while now that we’re just beyond the world of grindy, random encounters. The early games weren’t fun because of the dozens of zubats we had to deal with. They weren’t even “harder” for these reasons, despite the absurd opinions you’ll stumble across online. Remembering to stock up on repels isn’t really a skill check. Completing the set challenges that you are aware of and planning around then is fun. Having to smash “A” through random encounters and opening the menu to hit a Fresh Water every once in a while is not.

  • For me, it was pure philosophy. When I came to terms with how totally insignificant I and my world is in the grand scheme of the universe, something as simple as the dog tracking mud across the floor became less then inconsequential.

    As an aside:

    Meanwhile I’ll get pissed that I didn’t wipe their feet and be mad the entire time I’m cleaning it up.

    This reads like someone who takes everything upon themselves and doesn’t cut themselves enough slack. I don’t know you and this is the tiniest snippet of your life experiences, so take my statement with a massive heaping of salt, but give yourself a break. You aren’t super human, you aren’t responsible for everyone and everything, and you will make mistakes. Holding yourself to an impossible standard is a common source of anger and unhappiness.

    Subjectively speaking, every person I’ve met who I would describe as “angry” when discussing their personality (I’m a believer that some things are worth being mad about and choosing to be appropriately angry does not make you an angry person) is deeply unhappy with themselves. This is usually because, thanks to a combination of external influences like narcissistic friends/family, they never measure up to their distorted beliefs of how they “should” be. “Should” is a bad word. Thinking in terms of “should” is self-abusive and rarely helpful. “Will” and “next time” are fine. They’re about learning. “Should” is nothing more than a way to internalize the things you’ve done wrong without focusing on how you’ll learn from them.

    Anyway, I could be way off, cause man I don’t know you. But, some food for thought, anyway.

  • Maybe we let professionals decide what tool is best for their field

    Hey, really appreciated. Having random potentially uneducated, inexperienced people chime in on what they think I’m doing wrong in my classroom based on the tiniest snippet of information really shouldn’t matter, but it’s disheartening nontheless.

    While I take their point, I also wouldn’t walk into a garage and tell someone what they’re doing wrong with a vehicle, or tell a doctor I ran into on the streets that they’re misdiagnosing people based on a comment I overheard. Yet, because I work with children, I get this all the time. So, again, appreciated.

  • I regularly use ChatGPT to generate questions for junior high worksheets. You would be surprised how easily it fucks up “generate 20 multiple choice and 10 short answer questions”. Most frequently at about 12-13 multiple choice it gives up and moves on. When I point out its flaw and ask it to finish generating the multiple choice, it continues to find new and unique ways to fuck up coming up with the remaining questions.

    I would say it gives me simple count and recall errors in about 60% of my attempts to use it.