Nope totally legit experiences. Playback reference systems are VERY similar to high-end home audio. Many brands like Shunyata and Wilson are popular in both circles.
Nope totally legit experiences. Playback reference systems are VERY similar to high-end home audio. Many brands like Shunyata and Wilson are popular in both circles.
Every audiophile hifi shop I’ve ever seen has at least one $50k+ system. I think that the vast majority of people in this particular crowd have never even been inside a legit audiophile shop — let alone an audiophile convention. To me, this explains why so many valid posts tend to get downvoted, and why this group in general seems not to relate well to descriptive terminology that audiophiles use.
I think instead of just reading about what people should hear and like, people need to pop their audiophile cherries and actually hear first-hand what a properly set up system is capable of, and then get advice from the shops they like best because they are all different.
These conventions are like wine or Scotch tasting sessions for audiophiles. Every serious audiophile should make it a goal to at least visit several audiophile shops.
I’ve never experienced a $50k+ stereo “REDDIT AUDIOPHILE” aka total noob. Probably downvotes more experienced audiophiles who actually know what they are talking about and lectures people.
I’ve heard one that was over $50k+ “POPPED CHERRY - WFT DID I JUST EXPERIENCE?” aka you have taken your first real step towards learning about high-quality playback. You’ve risen over the 99% of audio nerds and you have now “heard the light” and you know what is possible. You are more open-minded to talk about audio things you do not understand. Far less ego. Teachable.
I’ve heard between 1 - 5 $50k+ stereos. “SERIOUSLY EXPOSED TO HIGH END- NO GOING BACK!” aka you are probably in trouble, and are going to end up losing a lost of money buying gear you don’t need now.
I’ve heard between 5 - 25 stereos in the $50k+ range. “DISCERNING AUDIOPHILE” aka its too late for you. You have a hard time fitting in socially with other Reddit Audiophiles (see above).
I’ve heard between 25 - 125 stereos in the $50k+ range. “SERIOUS CRITICAL LISTENER AUDIOPHILE” aka you have drank the Kool-Aid and you chuckle at all of the people lecturing about how cables don’t matter, etc. (who are incidentally mostly in the "I’ve never experienced a $50k+ stereo crowd). You also can’t get along socially with other Reddit Audiophiles… you probably have a lot of odd and peculiar components and are highly opinionated but you know what you are talking about and don’t care what others say anyways.
I’ve listened to more than 125 exotic stereos that were $50k+. “PRO LEVEL” aka, What do you do for a living? Dang brother. I’d love to learn from you what is your favorite sounding 5 systems of all time. Would love to get some tips from you.
Quad ESL57 on custom steel stands powered by Naim amps. I’ve owned huge Wilsons and a few flagship “end game” speakers but nothing can beat the original Quads for midrange & treble. But… it’s a love hate relationship because they are inefficient, can’t handle much power, and the sweet spot is slightly smaller than a human head. Once you get them set up right, however, they sound like you’ve cut the window through the fabric of space-time to hear the original event live.
The speaker drivers have surrounds which become more supple with use, just like breaking in a new baseball glove. In the case of the speaker drivers, however, my paranoid young audio enthusiasts friends,… the resonant frequencies of the drivers become more low. All good speaker designers know this and design their speakers to perform optimally for their long term Theil-Small parameters as measured on drivers that have been broken-in properly. Your speakers sound better with use because the drivers are new with stiff surrounds and spiders which changes their Thiel-Small parameters and therefore obviously changes their sound.
Wife: 🤨
Love of music + leisure time + introversion + OCD + money + slightly low self esteem + Y Chromosome = audiophile
I would add… however… that while in most stereos you won’t hear a difference by upgrading to a $10,000 worth of cables, if you are using Focal Grand Utopias (I had a huge set of Wilsons which are very similar), in a properly treated room, you will easily and consistently hear differences in cables without having to question yourself for placebo effect. Some cables have more inductance which adds a smeary effect. Likewise, a poorly grounded cable (or a ground with high inductance / impedance) will make more audible hiss when used on tube amps and high efficiency horns.
The question says “home stereo” because Pro Audio is primarily made to be rugged, portable, and able to blare at jet engine sound pressure levels. Most audiophiles find it to be fatiguing and harsh sounding, lacking detail.