Programmer and Airplane Enthusiast.

“You just don’t know how AI works” earns you a block.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I’m hardly a Sony Stan, but you can call me one if it makes you feel better when I say… I have no idea what you’re talking about.

    hardware component shortages that were notably specific

    What was specific to the PS5 that wasn’t shared by the XSX? The specs of are almost identical. Same AMD processor, same generation and architecture, same amount and type of memory. Any supply chain woes that affected one almost certainly affected the other.

    Except for that insane proprietary memory expansion card that Xbox uses that cost $200 per TB. It took them 3 years to come up with cheaper options. Meanwhile Sony just uses off the shelf NVME drives whose price has been slowly decreasing ever since the pandemic.

    The PS3 was underpowered

    It is well documented that the PS3’s weakness was the complexity of it’s design not necessarily how powerful it was.

    the PS5 enabled and enriched scalpers

    This is such a confusing statement, it’s Not Even Wrong. You make it sound like Sony built scalpability into the PS5. You’re angry at the inanimate object? Not what the awful people did with it? People scalped the PS5 because it was in higher demand, not because it was made of gold.

  • For what it’s worth, I have a machine with less than the recommended specs, and as long as you don’t mind spending a little time downgrading settings to Medium/Low, I have a fairly playable framerate, usually between 30 and 50. I’ve only built a couple cities up to 25,000 population, but it’s still been fun.

    You won’t be disappointed by the road tools, they are everything they promised and more. In 15 minutes I can make interchanges that look like I pulled them out of a mod pack. It’s obscene. Traffic control is decent for vanilla, but if you were a power user of TMPE in CS1, you might be a bit underwhelmed.

    Overall though, there is a desperate shortage of maps and unique assets. As for the game’s systems - economy, education, land value, industry - I can see how they were intended to work, but it seems like a lot of boilerplate was added to make the game playable at release. With time - and mod support, Dear Lord - I think it will greatly improve.

    Edit: Infrastructurist is a great showing of how the game still has legs.

  • Yeah… That’s not a good defense if you think about it. If someone made a Reddit comment with the entire contents of Discworld (idk, just an example), and OpenAI scraped all of Reddit to train their model, well now they’ve used copyrighted material without paying for a commercial license, and now they’re on the hook. By being unscrupulous about their scraping, they actually open themselves up to more liability than if they were more careful about what they scrape and where.

    This is all to say nothing of the fact that several other major companies were caught pants down by training with databases explicitly created by torrenting a ton of books.

    There is no direct evidence that OpenAI used pirate sites to train ChatGPT. That said, it is no secret that some AI projects have trained on pirated material in the past, as an excellent summary from Search Engine Journal highlights.

    The mainstream media has picked up this issue too. The Washington Post previously reported that the “C4 data set,” which Google and Facebook used to train their AI models, included Z-Library and various other pirate sites.