• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 24th, 2023


  • k space. You could rent 2 small servers, one for development and one to

    This is a new option. Thanks for this. Did you used this in production? I know I will have custom and tailored images running, because each of my containers (besides the database) will be my own services, and cloudron looks like it was rather designed to pick a ready solution, am I understanding it correctly?

    It also says, it keeps the systems up to date, which again is very high level, usually it is some sort of terraform to provision or ansible to configure the machine and abstracting those details makes it hard for me as a tech guy to understand, what they actually are doing.

  • sure and if you have static infrastructure with no other load then why ever scale down? Do your cron jobs take too many resources an

    Need to think about this.

    I am sure, that several docker files or compose projects will do some of the jobs.

    Main reason I am hesitant: I am pretty sure, services will fail, and need to be restarted. Docker can do this. I also know I have to meddle with cron jobs and I can built the cron inside the docker container that should run the service. But this is some sort of work-arounding a lack of a “job” feature in docker and it also feels wrong to mix the service with the infrastructure together (self-imposed pain :D)

    One of the continuous services is actually one, I do not know in advance, how it will perform. It processes many concurrent jobs, which is a good thing, but I also suspect, that I still will have to replicate this service on the same machine to utilize resources better, adding a small load balancer for it, etc. One service instance is concurrent but still limited to a certain degree. This part will need some monitoring but also tailoring. And for this I would prefer a proper solution, albeit one with reduced learning curve.

    Monitoring is a thing, too: I would love to have a dashboard to see my tiny services in action and vanilla docker does not provide it. There will be error streams I am going to log into an observability platform but I still feel, that I need more, than docker provides out of the box.

    Also: I love new tech, but I do not expect, that my tiny one server vps SaaS will instantly blow up, so I will have to autoscale it onto multiple federated cloud providers or a fleet of VPS machines. While I do not want to waste time learning a thing, I cannot properly handle alone, I also would like to learn a technology that helps me getting started right now but also provides a path for later growth. That’s why I hesitate to spend time with single docker containers and low level fiddling (the cron part) inside those, because I did not find evidence, that it provides the potential (even with docker swarm)