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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Everyone is kind of following the same trend now. It doesn’t matter if it is the right or wrong decision. Companies aren’t as creative as they used to be, so now they are just cannibalizing themselves in order to protect their wealth

    Though it looks like the video game industry is about to go upside down. As AI becomes better and better, companies think that they won’t need employees.

    In fact it is the reverse.

    Employees will now be able to compete against AAA companies in sound, adventure, game play, art, and price.

    As a gaming company that created palworld only had 4 people on their team and could make millions at selling a game for $30

    Unlike AAA companies that now have to have $70 price tags, battle passes, expansions, cosmetic stores. And at the end of the day can’t even put out a decent working product.

    Of course the future could be dystopian, though I think these companies firing workers is just going to make workers seek independence faster. And find it in AI.

  • “The IDF has taken action and will continue acting to identify misconduct and behavior that does not align with the expected morals and values of IDF soldiers,” it said in a statement sent to CNN.

    The problem is, this kind of behavior aligns perfectly with:

    In one video, a soldier is seen going through a woman’s wardrobe, including her underwear, making derogatory, sexist remarks about Arab women.

    A photo shared online shows a soldier standing next to a Hebrew sign spraypainted on a wall in Gaza that says: “Instead of erasing graffiti, let us erase Gaza.”

    The Israeli soldier looks directly into the camera, then turns around and sets a pile of food supplies on fire. “We turn on the light against this dark place and burn it until there is no trace of this whole place,” he says as another soldier fuels the flame.

    I couldn’t be more disgusted with where my tax dollars are going.

  • If you are wondering who is the commission, the United Nations has a good overview on their past and accomplishments.

    They all don’t have a history of Anti-semitism, as claimed, but more along the lines such as:

    • Human rights in Gambia vs. Myanmar
    • Human rights on housing
    • Inquiry into Detention in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

    These guys are no joke, they have done this before. But more importantly, the comment that got them suspended?

    “We are very disheartened by the social media that is controlled largely by, whether it is the Jewish lobby or it is specific NGOs, a lot of money is being thrown into trying to discredit us,” he said in the interview.

    But above all that, the excuse that Israel is using is:

    When asked by The Times of Israel what these claims were based on, Haiat said, “The commission of inquiry is there to investigate Israel without any time limits, unlike any other commission of inquiry from the UN system.

    Keep in mind, not even the investigation team knows how long it will take, so of course there won’t be a time frame. And they work for the UN, why do they need one?

  • Everything we sacrifice and update today will count for miles down the line.

    To answer your question, yes and no.

    Are we too late to save snow crabs? Probably.

    Will we now have to give up steak for synthetic roach meat? Maybe not

    The thing people don’t get about climate change is, how uncomfortable we are now, means less we have to give up in the future. We can do this on our terms, or we can do it on natures. And nature is going to win.